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At 5 in the morning, my alarm started ringing.
I got up, took a bath, and dressed up in my uniform, and started practicing the guitar for one last time.

It was the day of the inter-school competition, and I wanted to make sure I did not make any mistakes while playing the instrument at the venue.

Hiro...Why don't you come and have breakfast?

I heard my mom calling me for breakfast and I kept my guitar in the guitar bag, looked my self in the mirror once again, combed my hair, and left my room.

All the mom told me while I was having breakfast. After I was done eating, I left my home in my cycle to her school where the competition was held, I could see my mom waving at me through the cycle mirror.

BYE.......I yelled at her without looking back.

It was my first time going to her school. I rode my cycle, slowly enjoying the view. The wind brushing my face while riding the cycle felt different to me. Maybe it was because I was way too happy from within

I had planned to go search for her after my event and maybe even talk to her.
As I was riding the cycle I thought to myself.
What was her name? Does she have a boyfriend?
The chances of her having a boyfriend made me off-guard.

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