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Enemy.......I checked it again. It was the enemy.

I crossed it and called it fake.

Enemy.......I thought to myself while watching a movie.

Enemy........I thought to myself while lying in bed.

Enemy........I thought to myself even in my dream.

It's fake, why am I even believing it


Enemy.........My mind was filled with this thought ever since yesterday night and even at school during class hours.
Finally, when it was maths hour I gained the courage and asked Hana

Hana do you think the result of flames is correct?

Of course, it is. Why are you asking me now? she asked me

"Mei and Hana don't talk ", maths ma'am shouted at us and we kept quite.

What were you guys talking about? Sara asked us after the class was over.
Mei was asking something about Flames. Hana replied
Why did you ask me about Flames? With whose name did you try? Hana asked me

Me!!!! .....No.....No... I did not try with anyone...
It's... it's my cousin who tried with her crush and got enemy. I lied

Oh!! Ok!! Hana replied.

Do you think they should date? I asked her?

Are you mad? Sara asked me
If it's enemy then you should not date, It won't last.
Tell your cousin to either change her crush or change her name.

Both of them bursted into laughter after saying that.

Will I meet him again?I thought to myself. For some reason, I believed in the probability of meeting him again even if it was as less as finding a lost grain of gold in a dessert

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