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6 am and my alarm started ringing.

Mei...wake up its time, I heard my mom, trying her best to wake me up.

Just 10 more minutes mom, I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then woke up with a jerk, checked the time,
It's 7:10 am

I got abruptly from the bed, took a bath, did some makeup, collected my art supplies, and ran out of my room.

My home was filled with the smell of food.
Mom was busy packing lunch for me, herself, and dad. Dad was busy reading the newspaper, to be honest, the newspaper was an extension of my dad's hands, every time I see him he is either reading a newspaper or asking me about my future plans.

Don't you have a competition today?
Dad asked me.
Yes, I replied.
Don't spend all your time in painting things, next year you have to join a college so focus on getting good marks.
He continued his long speech of telling me about how I am not serious about life and, how easy life is for kids these days, and how he walked kilometers to even reach school and this morning ritual of teaching me about life and taking correct decisions continued for about 10 minutes, I just sat there on the table nodding my head to everything he said while eating my breakfast.

So what are you going to do after school? He started asking me about my future plans for the n-th time.

Mom, I am leaving.......I ran out of the home without making eye contact with dad.

My school was just a 15-minute walk from my home, and throughout the way, my mind was filled with thoughts about the future.
Dad was true, it was high time that I decided what I want to do next in my life, but then I don't want to do anything other than painting, I wondered how my parents would react when I tell them this.

In 15 minutes I reached my school.

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