Part 39- final

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Back to the Future finished, Sal sat on the couch next to me. Had to be at least 11pm now. We sat in silence, with the slow sound of his breathing and mine mismatched and unsynchronised.

"Let's go," he said, sitting up.

"Where? To sleep? To England? To Hill Valley?"

"To sleep."


Waking up was always a frightening moment. Was it all a dream? But no, snoring beside me was Sal, sprawled out under the covers. He's there. We're here.


I snuck out of the room, made some breakfast and coffee and returned. His hair fell sloppily on his forehead- I preferred this look. Dishevelled- a look very few had witnessed.

Croissants, toast and bacon were on the tray, along with coffee and OJ. Light streamed into the pale room, bursting through the drapes. I sat back into bed, placing the tray between us.

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"That could go a lot of ways. I could answer 'we eat' or I could answer 'we live together' or I could answer 'it can be whatever you want it to be'."

"Deep," I sighed. "Are we officially moved in?"

"I guess so. I can get you a key, and it's settled. When you're back from off the grid, you can sign this as your address. Then I think it's pretty official."

"Wow. I gotta find myself a job too."

"Leave it to me," he smirked, before finishing the bacon. He left the room, phone in hand, dressing gown thrown over him.

Waiting patiently, and tucking into the croissant, before he emerged again. Broad smile.

"I have some friends on the Norwegian Pearl."

"What's that?"

He sighed, "a huge cruise ship. They're looking for some employees."

"Hmm, seems a bit impractical? Pun not intended. I'd be far away from you all for so long."

He paused, smile creeping back into his face, "maybe we'd be there with you."

"Why- what would you-?" Pausing myself to put the puzzle pieces together, "you guys are doing a cruise?"

He nodded proudly, quickly and enthusiastically.

I squealed. They got another cruise, and I'd get to join.

"And by work-?"

"Oh, you wear a lanyard and follow me around. No other work intended."


He had been on the phone to the guys, the cruise something he had known for a while. But this was everything I wanted. And I got to do it with the greatest guys. No, they got to share it with me. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for him and his 3 amazing friends.


Authors note

I think that's the end of the book!
That's the end for season 2, leading the way for a possible season 3- Cruise story! Let me know.
Hope you enjoyed the book❤️

Lots of love,
Neve xxxx

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