The Beginning

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The wind is blowing through my hair as I put the bottle up to my mouth. I keep thinking, " Just do it.... It all will be better soon all you have to do is jump." Finally I finnished the bottle, I keep urging myself to the edge of the roof but my legs keep getting heavier and heavier with each step I take. I finally get to the side rail of the 30 story building and climb over the rail. I stand there looking at the asphalt below. I dig out my switchblade and put it to my wrist once again. The sensation I get when i pull on its shiny red handle relieves me, it conforts me as I go deeper then I take its sharp blade away then watch as the blood drips to the ground below. I scream out in anger and dispair because I feel like my life can not be fixed. I put the knife away in my hoodie pocket along with my suicide letter and I start to feel as though the aspalt is as soft and conforting as a bed. I let go of the rail and I fall forward the ground is getting closer and closer and it seems like I've been falling forever "a couple of stories to go" I think. All i see is the ground then everything goes black. I wake up in a bed I look around and see the same old familiar grey walled, tan carpeted room i sleep in everyday. I get up and start to get ready for another depressing day at school. I go into my bathroom and I take off my clothes and step into the warm shower and start getting my body wet and start to wash myself I rince myself off and turn off the water and dry off when I touch the towel to my cuts it stings and I wince with the pain. I finish drying off and go to my dresser and put on some boxers and a pair of black jeans ( I only like black) then i put a Call Of Duty Ghosts shirt on and my hoodie on top of it I go downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen waiting for me. " Well you got up late'' she scolded then my father walked in and said "yeah son you are and you know that means." I could smell the whiskey on his breath. " you hearing me son!" He said before he smacked me across my face. "I have to walk dont i?'' I ask rubbing my cheek. "You bet your dumb little ass you do!" my mother steped in and said "Awww please leave him alone he just is a little late today hun" My dad grabbed her hair and drug her down to the floor and punched her in the back of her head, knocking her unconscious. I run out the front door grabbing my backpack and I start walking to school as my father is yelling at me from the front door. crying I head off in the direction for school.

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