Chp. 21: Happiness is a Weakness

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sat in a white room with no windows or doors. The only things in the room, besides me, was a small, handheld mirror. I picked up the mirror and examined it carefully— it was made of gold and had strange engravings on it. I traced the engravings with my fingertips and tried to make sense of what they were. After observing it for a while, I realized that the carvings formed interlinking chains, similar to the one tattooed on my ankle during the incident at Siren's Chapel. I held the mirror up to my face and frowned at my reflection— I looked just as I did before my wedding. My dress was still intact and not a single hair was out of place, I looked like a doll. I was hoping this wasn't just some ordinary mirror and that the chain engravings meant I would see something along the lines of my "real" self. I stood up, the mirror still in hand and walked around the rather large room. My gown was heavy and I was starting to grow rather hot. I plopped back down and began ripping at the hem of the dress, but it wouldn't tear.I sighed in defeat and collapsed onto my back, staring up at the white ceiling. The longer I stared at the ceiling, the more it seemed like it wasn't made of plaster or wood or even cement. There was a texture in the ceiling that wasn't in the walls, and it seemed almost life like. I got to my feet and stretched upwards towards the ceiling. As I did, bits of the ceiling began floating down gently. I cupped my hands in front of me and caught some of what was falling: two flowers. I shifted my attention away from the flowers in my hands and back up to the ceiling and noticed that it was entirely made up of flowers that were now succumbing to gravity.

In my hand were two flowers, one with white petals and the other with lavender petals. I recognized the flowers as the two types that had made up my bouquet: daisies and African lilies. I moved my hands away from each other and let the two flowers fall to the ground with the rest of the flowers. I couldn't explain exactly why, but I absolutely hated the room I was in. I didn't necessarily feel trapped, however, even though it seemed like there was no way out. I watched the flowers fall and it seemed like there was an infinite supply of them in the ceiling above me. As I watched, I began to wonder if I could climb into the flower ceiling above me. I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I hiked up my dress and reached for where my sword was tied to my leg, but it wasn't there. I checked the other leg, in case I was mistaken, but my sword was no where to be found. I dropped my dress in defeat, but carried on with my mission anyways. I took off my delicate shoes and made my way over to one of the corners of the room. The ceiling was relatively low, so I thought that if I could climb up the wall just a little, I would be able to stick my hand through the flowers. I looked just right of the opposite corner and planned to run and hit the wall with my foot, propelling myself upwards. I bundled up the layers of skirt under my dress and held them all in one hand. I lunged in preparation and then ran at the wall. As my foot made contact with the wall, I was able to reach into the flower ceiling, but a falling sensation immediately took over.

The strange thing was, I was not falling down towards the ground below my feet, rather towards my outstretched hand. I began to fall opposite of the flowers and I readied myself for a harsh landing. Squeezing my eyes shut, I prepared of the impact of the fall, yet it never came. I opened my eyes again and saw that I was surrounded by water. I began choking on the water and I frantically swam up towards the gleaming sun above me. I reached the surface and gasped to fill my lungs back up with precious air. I was able to kick my legs freely in the water, so I looked down to see I was no longer in my wedding gown, but the same coat, shirt, and pants I had been wearing when I first arrived on the Justicia. I was, however, missing my boots, but that allowed me to swim with much more ease. I spotted land not too far ahead and began swimming towards it. After I had been swimming for a while, I looked up with great dismay to see that I wasn't any closer. I tried swimming again, this time using every ounce of energy I had in me. I looked up again and let out a sharp exhale as I still remained in the same spot as before.

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