Ch. 25: Dreaming of Death

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Watch... Yes, watch as your precious Captain swings his legs desperately and claws at the rope around his neck. Watch him grip onto life even though his death is inevitable. You could have stopped this... you could have saved him, but you've always been selfish, now haven't you?"

I was back in Maracaibo, tears streaming down my cheeks. I kept trying to run toward Katsuki who was facing the wrath of a public hanging, but two men held me back. I looked to my right and then to my left to see Kirishima and Kaminari just barely keeping me in their hold. Their faces were also twisted in agony and stained with sorrow just like mine, but why wouldn't they let me save Katsuki?

"Let go of me!" I screamed, my voice cracking has I continued to kicked and thrash my arms.

"(L/n)! You can't!" Kaminari grunted as he readjusted his grip on my arm.

"The captain's last wish was for you to be free! Can't you grant him that?!" Kirishima begged. I didn't understand. My father was outnumbered. I could see everyone from the Bakuhatsu and the Justicia just standing there doing nothing! Why weren't we fighting?! Why were we just letting this happen?!

In the blink of an eye, we weren't in the center of town anymore, but on the back next to our docked ship. I was sitting on a rocky strip of land jutting out into the water with Todoroki's arm across the front of me, preventing me from jumping off into the water. Symphony was off the coast a bit, holding Katsuki in a bubble. I sighed in relief seeing that Katsuki was safe, but I then noticed his condition. He wasn't standing, but completely collapsed in the bottom of the Symphony's bubble. Lyris was floating near the ship, helping a pitiful-looking Valentina up a strip of Sero's tape and onto the ship. In the middle of it all was Cadenza, her fluorescent hair glowing brighter than I had seen before, and my father suspended in the air, struggling to breath.

"Todoroki? What's going on? What happened to everyone? What's Cadenza doing?!" I asked in a panic.

"Did you hit your head when you were fighting? Why are you acting off all of a sudden?" Todoroki questioned me. I didn't respond and shook off my confusion, looking back towards Cadenza.

"I've been waiting for you a long time, Lisander." A deep voice emerged from Cadenza's mouth, not matching what I remembered her sounding like.

"Cadenza! What are you doing?! I thought you vowed never to use your quirk again!" Symphony shouted from afar. I quickly remembered that her quirk allowed for her to communicate with Death and take someone's life.

"Silence! This is not Cadenza's decision. She has a duty on this Earth and she has not been performing that duty. This man has been defying his fate for too long!" The deep voice spoke.

"Cadenza, you can't kill him! You're abusing your power!" Lyris cried.

"Abusing? Or 'using'?" The voice argued. I watched as my father's face went from red to white as snow in mere seconds, before crashing into the ocean below.

"Why can't I do anything?!" I screamed.

I woke up in a dead sweat, screaming and clutching the roots of my hair. I panted, struggling to catch my breath and figure out my surroundings. When I finally came to my senses, I recognized my room on the Bakuhatsu and was overwhelmed with relief, knowing it all was just a dream. I tuck some of my unruly hair behind my ear and noticed an image on the back of each of my hands. On my right hand was a bird in a cage and on my left hand was a marionette doll. I was about to try and decipher the meaning of each when my door swung open and a disgruntled Katuski appeared, completely out of breath.

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