Waiting for You to Come Back

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Zoot: What am I supposed to do while you're gone?

Lips: ... What do you usually do when I'm gone?

Zoot: Wait for you to come back.

(Before they were together, the first time he leaves for a lecture)

Lips lets out a sigh. Zoot was standing at the door behind him. Either he forgot about the lectures or he never told the saxophone player about them in the first place. Whatever the reason, he isn't gonna let him leave without an answer.

"How long are you gonna be gone again?"

"Two hours at most. It ain't the end of the world if I leave".

"Well, what am I supposed to do during that time? Take Animal on a walk?" Upon hearing his name, Animal pokes his head out of his room at the two men and sticks his tongue out. Zoot waves his hand in a dismissive manner and the drummer disappears back in his room.

"What about when I got a personal gig? What do you usually do then?"

"If I'm not doing a chore, waiting for you to come back". Lips sighs, patting his best friend on the shoulder.

"Saxobeat, it will be fine. Just find something to do and I'll be back before you know it," he reassures before walking away. Zoot watches as Lips walks down the sidewalk. After all this time, he finally had a connection with another band member with the only problem being that he's out of the house a little too much. Hopefully, after all of these lectures, he can get to know the trumpet player a little more. 

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