How they would kiss you/How they are with PDA

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(Mayhem Edition)

Dr. Teeth - Small kisses here and there. Absolutely loves PDA, so give him a ton of smooches and he'll return it no matter what. If he's free, be ready for a conversation that could last for hours. A real talker if you ask me. It can be about anything too! Elton John records, a new song the band came up with, Jim Henson... The last topic keeps stopping him mid-sentence and he can stare into space for a bit before changing it again.

Having lovers in the past, Teeth is the most experienced in the band. He's a switch, so it doesn't matter if he's top or bottom in a makeout session. All that matters at the moment is your mouth moving against his and it's enough for him.

Sgt Floyd Pepper - First off, he isn't one for PDA. Sure, a kiss on the cheek, having some small talk, and slinging his arm around your shoulders is fine. Nothing else though. Gotta keep that cool persona up for others. If he's up to it, Floyd will pull out a song by Jerry Nelson and let you listen to it so you can sleep against his side.

Every time you do a kissing session, he's always dominant. No questions asked, just let him take control. If you try to top at any point, he will fight back just to stay the stronger one in the situation. If you do manage to top, he'd be impressed that you took down the hippest bassist of the Electric Mayhem and keep on kissing.

Janice - She loves kissing you on the cheek. Seeing you blush at the surprise makes her smile. Cuddles is her number one thing. Kermit is having a meeting? She'll snuggle up against you and stop paying attention.

Not that much into makeout sessions, only if it's been a rully bad day, fer sure. The sessions help you both rewind for the day and, of course, there are snuggles after.

Zoot - Like Floyd, he isn't one for PDA at all. At the least, he's willing to peck you on the lips one time in public or hold hands while you're walking. Besides, seeing him with someone that probably isn't near his age is a bit troublesome.

When you two are alone, he goes as far as slow makeout sessions (Nothing beyond since he's so burnt-out and it gives him bad memories). He always says he still has his charm from his younger days and, honestly, you couldn't agree more.

Lips - "Kissing? Huh?" Bless this poor soul, he's never really had a kiss. You have to explain to him what a kiss is and what you do. Cue a flustered trumpet player who's too embarrassed (more like frozen in place) to even make a move. You'll always have to be the one to surprise him with pecks. He will enjoy holding hands under the table or while you guys are on a walk.

He does enjoy makeout sessions, which sends him to cloud 9 almost instantly. Even in a daze, he's kind of addicted to the contact of your mouths moving in sync. Lips will occasionally tug at your hair because he's so into the moment.

(Animal is cuddles only. What can I do for him? He's a literal animal!)

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