🐱♥︎Mina The Cat Part. 1♥︎🐱

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Mina got hit by a quirk that turned her into a cat, luckily it was just for a week. But maybe Mina.. caused some trouble.

"Dad... are you sure that mom isn't a troublemaker?.."- Onami said, scratching the back of her neck watching all the broken glass that was on the floor.

"She totally is! Let's ask uncle Bakugo if he could take care of her!"- Tora tried to give her opinion, of course Denki stared at her with a killing glance.

"Utterly ridiculous, Tora"- Zhinko said, finishing painting his nails, standing up from the couch and walking to his room.

"She got a point.."- Nubara said, scrolling through her phone and listening to the conversation.

"What we can do then?!"- Onami asked anxiously, she was the youngest but also the most responsible sibling. "The only person who likes in this house is you!"- she exclaimed pointing at his father.

"It's not my fault Onami!! But definitely she's not leaving!"- Kaminari exclaimed, picking Mina up and carrying her like a baby. "It's just a week!! ALSO! She's your mother! And my wife!"- Denki explained.

At this point, all the screams and shouting were making Mina really anxious and nervous. She was struggling to get off Denki's grip. And then, she did it, she was free. Mina jumped and climbed to the curtains, ripping them. She was scared, Ashido ran away hiding under the bed.

"....not a troublemaker, huh?"- Tora teased. Nubara snorted looking at his father.

Also, for the people who doesn't know, Onami, Tora, Zhinko and Nubara are KamiMina childs :3 Second generation!!
And yes. I'm going to keep doing Mina as a cat too on Instagram!

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