Leap Of Faith

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A/N: Trigger warning (i think) mention of suicide. Peter is NOT suicidal i would not be able to bring myself to write that. It is mentioned because that's what the team first thought was happening when Friday had told them that Peter was about to jump out a window xD.

Tony's POV:

"Fri, what's Peter doing?" I asked expecting to hear that he was just asleep.

"Peter is currently standing in his bedroom window cill, by the looks of it he is about to jump out." FRIDAY said putting it bluntly.

"WHAT?!" We all yelled at the same time.

All of us sprung up from the couch and made a run for Peter's room. I had jumped out the nearest window and my suit quickly caught me. Everyone else had taken made a run for the stairs, they all knew the elevator would've taken too long.  I was floating above the front side of the building while Peter's room was on the back side. I flew my way over there at full throtle. I had to fly two stories up but that wasn't too much.

Peter's POV:

I fell forward amd felt the cold winter wind blow up against my face. It was 30 seconds of just calm as i fell peacefully. I then felt my Spidey sense saying that i was about to hit the sidewalk. I opened my eyes and webbed myself to the nearest building. As i was about to swing myself to it someone had picken me up bridal style. I looked up to see Mr. Stark in his iron Man armor holding me in his arms.

"ah shit. I'm so grounded." I thought to myself. I knew that he knew it was me under the mask.

He flew me up back to the window entering my bedroom. He set me down on the floor and closed the window.

"Peter what were you thinking?!" Mr. Stark yelled, "You gave me a damn heart attack you can't just go jumping out of windows from the 27th floor like that!"

I didn't think he had realized the suit yet since i had taken off the mask.

Before i could even respond Mr. Stark had pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay though, why'd you do it Peter? Please tell me what would make you think that jumping out that window was better than anything else." Mr. Stark said as he held me in his arms. I then heard a ton of fast paced foot steps coming towards the room. "Oh Thor... did i get all of the avengers into thinking i was really killing myself?"  I thought to myself. "Wow Peter... you've really done it this time."

I heard loud noisee coming all around me. First the door slamming open, everyone's loud footsteps, and now everyone yelling and talking to me at once. I couldn't even tell who was saying what. I had covered my ears hoping it'd help but it didn't. It was causing my senses to go crazy and i was starting to have a sensory overload.

Tony's POV:

I knew the last thing you do to a suicidal teen is yell at them, but i couldn't control myself. The first thing that came out of my mouth was yelling. I quickly noticed what inwas doing and calmed down. I pulled Peter into a hug where i asked more questions, but was more calm about it.

Then everyone came crashing in. As i held Peter in my arms i could tell everyone yelling and the loud noises were bothering him. I saw him put his hands over hsmis ears and i pulled him closer to his chest and covered one of his ears with my right hand hoping to help. I could see tears starting to form in his eyes. I didn't know what from. I didn't know of it was because i had saved him, or if it was from everyone yelling. I looked down at Peter and then realized the suit. I didn't notice before because i was still panicked, i guessed everyone else was the same. Theg hadn't noticed the suit either.

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