How To Move Forward

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Peter's POV:

Once Tony had left i was in the med bay alone with my thoughts. Well, those and Rhodey in the hospital bed next to me. I took out my phone and started going through the list of who everyone could be. I knew right away that Rhodey was well- Rhodes. I sighed to myself "How could i be THAT stupid?!" I thought to myself in frustration.

I then got a notification from instagram. It was Ned tagging me in a comment section. I was at first confused because he almost never does that. Regardless, i opened the notification and was met by a photo i hoped would never be realeased. A photo of me in the suit without the mask. With the caption.

"This is Spider-Man a fifteen year old bratty hormonal teenager."

"Nononono!" I thought to myself as i looked through the comments. "Please tell me Flash hasn't seen this yet!"

Almost as if in cue my phone buzzed in my hand revealing a text from Flash. "SHIT!" I thought to myself as i starred at the notification. I decided it'd be better to call him rather than text him right now. I went over to his contact and hit the dial button.




"Come on Flash pick up! Please!" I thought to myself as the phone rang against my ear. Finally he answered.

"Hey Pete, or should i say Spider-Man?" He said into the phone angrily.

"Flash I'm sorry okay? I didn't tell you because i wanted to protect you!" I stated.

"Bullshit Peter!" He yelled into the phone, "You ever think that if i would've known it would protect me?!" he paused, "I would be ready for things that were going to happen! i wouldn't have to worry so much when you don't answer for a few days because i would know that the other Avengers would be taking care of you! But no you thought it'd be better to lie!" 

"Flash just let me explain-" I said

"No Peter i think you've explained enough." He said and i knew he was about to hang up.

"Flash i thought it'd protect you, i love you, i didn't want you getting targeted just because I'm Spider-Man and i care for you. The last person i told got killed in the crossfire, that's how Ben died. I didn't want the same to happen to you!" I explained before he got the chance to hang up.

"Peter I... i didn't know." Flash said sounding defeated.

"It's fine, you know now, I'd come hug you right now but I'm sorta in the med bay." I said a lighthearted laugh escaping me.

"I'll come to the tower." He said, "I'll be there soon Petey"

At that he hung up and i heard the noise of a car starting in the background. I smiled almost relieved that he knew now. That still held the long road of everyone else knowing though.

I laid back in my bed and let out a sigh. "How will I move forward after this..? after finding out Mr. Stark and everyone else had lied to me all this time, and now everyone knowing who's under the mask?" I thought to myself every words making another tear fall.

I then heard the muffled foot steps and voices outside the door.

Tony's POV:

I stood in the hallway blaming myself for everything that had happened. If only i had told him earler he wouldn't be this angry with me. If only i had tried harder to catch the guy who took him, then the photo wouldn't be released right now!. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. The tears and defeat over taking me. I heard Peter talking to someone in the med bay. I didn't know who it was since i could barely hear what Peter was saying.

Once the phone call had ended i was going to go talk to him. I hoped that he would've calmed down. Before i could stand up i heard the sound of shuffling foot steps down the hall. I looked over and within seconds stood Natahsa, Steve, Bucky, and bruce all standing there with their phones out.

"I'm guessing you've seen the photo?" I asked.

"Tony what are we gonna do?" Natasha asked being the first to speak.

"One thing at a time." I said as a rubbed my forehead then looking up at the assassin, "First we have to get Peter to trust us again." I sighed.

Natasha then walked over to me and helped me up from the ground. "Go in there and talk to the kid." She said.

I nodded then turned for the med bay. Hesitation overfilled me. I turned back to the others. "What if he hates me eternally now?" I said showinf a side of me the others had never seen before.

"Tony you're like a second father to him, he won't stay mad forever." Nat assured.

Peter's POV:

I listened closely to the mufled voices only making out a few words of a couple sentences. I was still laying in the bed and my face was over run with tears. Having my identity exposed terrified me. Soon enough i had stopped listening. I was lost in my thoughts. All i wanted to do was run at Tony and hug him. I was terrified and felt guilty for letting my identity get exposed like that. Eventually i heard the sound of the door slowly creaking open. It immediately brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and at the door that opened to reveal Tony standing in the doorway. A tear fell down my face. I had to admit i did want him to walk back through that door.

"Hey kid, can we talk?" Tony asked his voice saddened.

I nodded then moved over so he could come sit next to me on the bed. He walked over to the bed moving around all the moniters. He sat down next to me and we were silent for a moment.

"Im sorry-" We both said in unison trying to break the silence. I motioned for him to go first.

"Peter I'm sorry for lying, at first it was so i wouldn't freak you out." Tony explained his voice heavy, "Then you got the internship here and i became selfish." He paused and wiped his teary eyes with his hands. "I want you to know though, you earned this internship, sure at first ot was because i wanted to meet you, but i wouldn't have been able to keep you around if you weren't any good, and you exceeded far past my expectations!"

I was speechless as tears now started falling down my face. I felt so selfish for yelling and getting mad. I understood why he didn't tell me. He pulled me into a hug once he saw the tears. Holding me in his arms he said softly, "I am so proud of you son." He said.

"Thanks dad." I responded hardly paying attention to what I was saying.

He pulled away from the hug smiling at my words. I then noticed what i had said and blushed a little because of embarrassment.

"You called me dad." He said happily.

"You called me son!" I responded with a smile.

He shrugged, "You have no proof." He said.

I then looked up the ceiling, "Friday?" I said. Friday then played back the recording of me calling Tony dad and Tony calling me Son. I smirked at him, "I actually do have proof."

He looked at me happily, "So does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?" He asked.

"Yeah it does." I answered then was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry for being so careless and then getting my identity revealed like that." I said feeling guilty.

He pulled me into another comforting hug, "It's okay we'll deal with it okay?" He said comforting as he rubbed my back, "It's not your fault."

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