Life Changing

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HEY! Before you start reading I just want to say: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS DNMDMGNRN I know that's not a crazy ton but seriously- This was just meant to be a little thing I wrote for fun. When i started thinking about writing this and then i acutally did start writing it. I thought it'd only get max 100 reads or so. So thank you really- NOW ENOUGH OF MY CHEESY BS! ON WITH THE FIC!

Four days later...

Peter's POV:

For the first time in what felt like months but was only a few days, I was finaly able to leave the tower. I wasn't able to before in case press would follow me around or something. After I got exposed as Spider-Man I wasn't allowed to leave the tower for reason of the press, and in case anyone who wants to kill me would find me. Just another day as a superhero I guess.

I ran out of my room towards the lounge. Opening the lounge door I was met by Tony and Rhodey. "Hey guys!" I said excited.

Tony looked over at me, "Hey kiddo, about ready for school?" Tony asked.

It was the end of winter break and school was starting up again. I let out a sigh, "Yeah I'm ready." I mumbled.

The two looked at me concerned Tony came and put his hand on my shoulder, "What's up?" He asked.

"It's just-" I paused to find the right explanation, "Everything's going to be different. Everyone will look at me, and I don't like being the center of attention." I stuttered out.

Tony lifted my head so i was looking at him. "You'll do great Pete." He said smiling at me.

I gave a shy smile in response. Then Rhodey spoke, "Look it'll be different kid, but just pay attention in class, and live your life okay?" He said.

I nodded, "Okay I will, thanks." I said.

Tony then put his hand on my back and walked me over to the kitchen island. I sat down while he went around the counter and started looking through the cabinets.

"What do you want for breakfast then kiddo?" He asked as he opened and closed each cabinet looking for something.

"I'll just have some cereal." I said then Rhodey came and sat next to me.

Tony walked over to another cabinet that held all the cereal in it. He got out the lucky charms, set the box in front of me, then went and grabbed a bowl, spoon, and the milk. He set all of it down and started pouring the milke into the empty bowl. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting the cereal for you." He said then put the lid on the milk and set it down.

"Did you just put the milk in BEFORE the cereal?" Rhodey asked shaking his head. "Tones you gonna be the death of me."

"This way keeps the cereal from getting soggy quicker!" He said in defense as he opened the cereal box.

I let out a small laugh, "Tony we can't be friends anymore if you pour the milk first." I joked.

He put the bowl of cereal in front of me, "Just eat the damn cereal." He said.

I let out a laugh but started eating. "You excited to finally be leaving the tower?" Rhodey asked me.

I finished chewing my cereal then spoke, "I don't know, I'm just nervous for how it'll all play out i guess." I explained.

"Just be careful, now with people knowing you're a target." Tony said then handed me two new web-shooters. "I upgraded it so at the push of a button your suit appears. It's a lot different than your old one, but i think you'll like it." He explained. "It was supposed to be given to you on Christmas but you know..." He said his voice trailing off.

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