Back to New York

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Peter's POV:

"Y-You want to adopt me?" I asked as a happy tear fell down my face.

Tony looked at me, "If that's what you want too." He said

"Y-Yeah!" I stuttered I was filled with happiness and excitement I could barely speak. I knew I was going to be staying at the tower with May now gone, but this would've made me officially Tony's son. I was overfilled with joy.

"We'll make it official once we get back to New York." James said cutting into the conversation.

I was still in disbelief I couldn't say anything. "I- uuhh, wow." I stutter out trying to find the right words tears form in my eyes, "Thank you."

Then Morgan came running in and sat next to me. "Hey kiddo." Tony said to his daughter. "Peter's going to live with us."

Morgans face lit up like it would on Christmas morning, "Yay!" She said excited.

Then Flash came out of the bedroom with his bag in hand. He walked over and sat next to me the four of us then decided to watch a movie as we waited for happy to arrive.

Two Days Later

I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock waking me up. It was only six am and we already had to wake up and get ready so we wouldn't miss pur flight to New York. I rolled over and turned off the alarm and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. I heard a knock at my door.

"Peter you up?" It was Tony.

"Too early but yes." I said and sat up in my bed. 

I heard him let out a small laugh, "Alright we gotta leave in two hours so hurry uo and finish packing then come put here and eat." He said then I heard his footsteps walking away.

I sighed to myself as I looked around the now almost empty room. I pushed the covers off me and stood at the side of the bed. Quickly I got ready for the day and finished packing up the last of the clothes. During the three days we all thought Tony was gone James had bought me some clothes. I walked out of the room into the kitchen with my backpack on my back, earbuds around my neck, my phone in my pocket, amd a medium sized box in my hands.

"Where do you want me to set this box?" I asked.

James then walked over to me and took the box out of my hands, "I'll take that." He said before grabbing it.

I then walked over and sat next to Tony and Morgan. Morgan was eating lucky charms while Tony was eating some bacon.

"Want some bacon kiddo?" He asked motioning towards the plate.

"No thanks I'm not really hungry." I said, recently I hadn't been hungry in the morning. Ever since i got back from the blip, as people call it, I've just been readjusting to the new normal.

"You really should eat Pete, we got a two hour flight to New York," Tony said and slid the plate of bacon across the table to me.

"I'll eat lunch later alright?" I said getting a little frustrated.

"Alright kid, as long as you eat something at lunch then" He said then took another bite of his bacon.

Once we were all finished eating James and Tony cleaned up the dishes and Morgan and I played a game of hide n seek. After about an hour it was time for us to go. The house was completly packed up and the moving truck had left with our stuff earlier this morning. We all walked outside and got into the car and drove off to the air port. We got there withing 30 minutes and went onto Tony's private plane. During the flight Morgan was asleep hugging her favorite stuffed animal. It was fairly quiet I spent the flight watching one of the movies i had downloaded on netflix the night before.

Time Skip

Finally the plane landed I woke up Morgan and we all got off the plane. Once we had walked off the steps there stood Happy standing outside a vehicle ready to drive us to the compund. We get into the car with Tony in the passenger's seat next to Happy, me and James in the back seats and Morgan sitting in a car seat in the seat behind James and I. We had about a fourty-five minute drive to get to the compund.

"So Peter, tomorrow we have the court day that makes you officially adoptef by us, you ready for that?" Tony asked looking back at me.

"Yeah, definitely, thanks dad." I said. I saw a smile grow upon his face when I looked in the mirror. I smirked a little myself, it felt right calling him dad.

I then looked over at James, "Hey Pops?" I said.

He looked back at me and vave a comforting smile, "Yeah kiddo?"

"Thanks for helping me these last few days when we thought dad was... gone" I said hardly able to finish the sentence. During those three days I went through rough time of guilt and self blame. The whole time we thought my dad was dead I blamed myself for it, i kept thinking that if i was stronger, if i tried harder, of i was fighting near him, maybe i could've saved him. Now he was alive, and okay. Sure his arm was still burned and broken, but that would heal in time, what mattered was that he was now okay. My pops had helped me through my nightmares, and my panic attacks those days.

Pops put his hand on my leg and smiled, "Of course spiderling" He said.

The car then stopped in front of the front doors to the headquarters. My face lit up as I looked at the building. It looked so new, much different from the tower. The tower even though it was amazing was a little beaten up, but this building was new. I had seen the building before, but this was only my second time. Difference is, now I was living here. I stepped out of the car and put my seat down so Morgan could get out. My backpack was on my back. I felt my dad's hand on my shoulder and guiding me to the entrance, Pops was behind us carrying Morgan. We walked inside the giant modern building.

"woah" I muttered under my breath.

"Alright let's go show you where your room is." Dad said then we walked down the hall. We stopped and stood in front of a door. Dad put his hand on the hand, "This is your room Pete." He said and then opened it.

It was even bigger than my room at the tower. It was alreadh fully decorated and had a lot of the same furniture my room at the tower had. There was even cases for my suits, new ones even there. "H-howd you have time to do all this?" I asked as i took a step into the room and looked around in awe.

"Well, I couldn't help myself, i kept making the suits while you were... well you know." He said not even able to say it. "It felt like you were still there when I decorated the room and built the suits."

I looked at him, I couldn't say anything so we were just silent and I looked around the room more. I walked into the closet which held even more clothes for me. "Between the clothes both you and Pops has bought me i could probably wear a different shirt every day for two years!" I said from the closet, Dad was in the main area of the room sitting on my bed. I walked out of the closet and stood accross from where he was sitting.

"Can I use one of these suits and go out as Spider-Man right now?" I asked.

He stood up from the bed and put his hand on my shoulder, "Just be careful, you see anything too big call me or your Pops." He said.

I smiled happily I was excited to go out on patrol again. I nodded to dad then he walked out of the room. I walked over to the display cases. There were five of them, each one holding a suit. One of them being the first suit Dad ever made me, the one next to that one being the iron suit he made for me after homecoming but I didn't actually use until I followed him onto that ship. The one next to that was an upgraded suit, it was fully black but looked really cool. Then there were two more, one was red and blue much like my home-made suit that I made when I first started. This one had way more tech in it and was designed fairly different. That was the one i wanted to wear. I grabbed it out of the case and quickly put it on.

"Hello Peter." the suit said.

I smiled at the sound of the familiar voice, "Hey Karen." I said, "I'm gonna need a route to get to Queens."

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