Mr. Old

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Peter's POV:

I quickly shot a stun web that would cut the power off of Earthquake's suit. Mr. Stark had made a few upgrades to my web-shooters and gave them to me once he came in. That was one of them. Once the suit's power was out Mr. Stark went and finished it off.

I looked around the room in panic to see who was shot. I then saw Rhodey laying on the ground with his hand on his stomach.

I quickly ran over to him. "Rhodes no! you'll be okay!" I cried. "Mr. Stark we need to get him to the tower!" I yelled.

Mr. Stark quickly turned around and i looked back at Rhodey who was starting to go unconscious. "Stay with us! please!" I cried.

Mr. Stark then gently picked him up and started flyinf him to the tower. Another gun shot went off. I jumped from the loud noise then my shoulder felt lime it was on fire. I screamed in pain as blood started flowing out.

"He wanted you to pay for what you did to his family, and you will." Someone said from behind me. Before i could turn around to see who it was another shot came at me. It shot me in the leg. I fell down in pain. I then blacked out.

Natasha's POV:

Once Tony had left with Rhodey that left me, Steve, Bucky, and Peter to fight. I was fighting off two guys when i heard the first gun shot go off. I looked over to see Peter's shoulder bleeding he then screamed in pain.

"He wanted you to pay for what to his family, and you will." A man behind Peter said.

"NOO!" I yelled then held up my gun at him ready to shoot. Before i could get a shot off Peter's leg was shot and Peter fell the ground and passed out from the blood loss.

I shot the guy and looked around. Every bad guy was either unconscious or had run off. I ran over to Peter and picked him up. All of us left for the tower.

Time Skip (Tony's POV)


set Rhodey down on a hospital bed and tears fell from my face as i looked at him. Bruce came over and started operating on him. "Rhodey come on! Don't die on me!" I thought to myself as i watched.

I then turned to see Nat running in with Peter in her arms. "What the hell happened?!" I asked panicked.

"He was shot in the shoulder and the leg!" Natasha yelled as she set Peter down on a hospital bed.

Then Dr. Cho came running in. "I'll take care of him while Dr. Banner takes care of Rhodes! Everyone out while we do this!" She yelled as she rushed over to Peter.

"Come on Tony, they'll be alright." Nat said then we both walked out of the room.

five hours later (10:42pm) Peter's POV:

I woke up in a light room. At first blinded by all the light. My head was throbbing, my shoulder and leg were in excruciating pain. I groaned at the pain then looked around the room. I knew right away i was in the med bay. I looked over to see Rhodes in the hospital bed next to me. Other than him though the room was empty.

I figured I'd text the group chat while i waited for people to come in.

"Hey guys! Sorry i haven't really been answering it's been a long day!"

I then heard two phones buzz at the same time in the room. It was right after i sent the text. I figured it might've been just a coincidence and shrugged it off. I waited a few minutes to get a response but no one did. I figured I'd send another text.

Wrong number kidWhere stories live. Discover now