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I layed in my bed looking at my tv as I ate my chips. I sighed to myself as the events of this week over filled my thoughts. "I need a drink." I thought to myself not caring that I was underage.

I sat up with my feet touching the floor, "Friday is there anyone in the lounge or kitchen?" I asked.

"No Peter, no one is in the lounge or the kitchen most avengers have gone into their quarters and Boss is in the lab." The A.I responded.

I stood up, "Alright thanks Fri." I said my voice being defeated. I walked to the door then down the hall towards the lounge. The hallways were emptied so I was in the clear to go steal a few bottles of beer that were in the bar of the lounge. I walked into the empty lounge and grabbed the bottles of alcohol, it was a pack of 6. I held the bottle in my left hand and walked back to my room hopeful that no one would walk out of their rooms into the hallway. I made my way to my room and opened the door then steped in. I made my way to my couch and turned on a random YouTube video on the TV. I pulled out one of the bottles and opened it.

"Am I really about to get drunk at 15?" I think to myself then sigh and do it anyway. The alcohol tastes disgusting at first but i quickly adjusted to the taste and kept drinking. I made it through all the bottles before I felt tipsy. I pulled out my phone amd texted Flash.

"Hey Flashy wanna come over to the compund?"

Flash's POV:

I was downstairs in the living room playing a quick game of hide n seek with Jesse. I was sitting in the shower as my hiding spot when i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled out the phone to see a text from Peter asking me to come over. I smiled down at my phone and typed my response.

"Yeah Petey! I'll be there in an hour!"

Then I heard the bathroom door open and 10 year old Jesse came in, "I know you're in the shower Flash." She said.

I opened the curtain, "I'm not five anymore hding in the shower makes it too easy to find you." She said.

Tony's POV:

I had finally finished my work in the lab. All week I had been working on upgrades for my suit. I heard the door open behind me, I spun around in my chair to see James standing behind me.

"Hey babe." I said, "Peter asleep?"

He smiled, "Yeah Stank he's asleep." He said referring to the one time a mail person came and called my Tony Stank. I rolled my eyes at the names but regardless stood up and kissed my boyfriend.

"What do you say we take a weekend vacation, we can go to hawaii, or even L.A if you'd prefer that." I said as I sat back down in my chair.

"Leave a fifteen year old and a five year old here at the compund alone with the team?" He asked, "Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, why not?" I said and smiled, "Nat has always been great with kids."

"Okay, but what's the special occasion?" He asked suspicious of what I was planning. What I was planning on doing was proposing to him.

"Well, we did stop Thanos, and I did come back from the dead." I said, "But does there really need to be a special occasion for us to catch a break and go on a romantic vacation?"

He let out a little laugh, "Guess not, we can go this weekend, now get up to our room it's almost midnight." He said then walked out. 

I let out a small chuckle as I shook my head. I put all my stuff away then decided to go up to mine and Rhodeys room, but stopped to check on Peter before doing so.

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