Christmas Day

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Peter's POV:

I scroll through all of my notifications, not only were people telling strangers who i was, but i had also received thousands of messages from people at school. Most of which i had no idea who they were. Some of them even seniors!

I then saw the numerous of followers that i was getting, and they were growing by the minute. I knew immediately that someone posted something to say my identity.

I put my phone in my lap and my face in my hands. "Life is never going to be the same after this." I thought to myself.

I then heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. My excitement for today had already faded.

Mr. Stark opened the door and came over by me. "Did i wake you up?" He asked.

"No, i was already up." I said and faked a smile.

Mr. Stark sat down on the bed next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. It felt weird at first but comforting. I still couldn't believe i was at the tower, with the avemgers, on Christmas day. Now Tony fucking Stark was in my room with his arm around my shoulder. I never thought any of this would happen, but i was glad it did.

"I'm guessing you looked at social media already?" He asked and pulled me a little closer into a side hug.

"What are we going to tell the media?" I asked feeling bad that he now add something else to add to his plate of things to deal with.

"We can deal with that later, it IS Christmas after all, no need to spend the day worrying about something that will likely go away in a few days." Mr. Stark said comforting me.

"Yeah you're right." I said starting to get my excitement back.

"Well i always am." Mr. Stark laughed. "Now there's presents waiting for you in the lounge, everyone is already awake."

I smiled and we both stood up from the bed. We walked to the elevator that brought us two floors down. We walked the two empty hallways and made our way to the lounge. I opened the door to see presents on top of presents, on top of presents. My mouth dropped open in surprise. All the gifts took up almost a fourth of the large room. All of which were sitting under and all around the Christmas tree we got the day before.

"Well come on kid you've got Santa gifts to open." Mrs. Romanoff said and patted the couch motioning for me to go sit down.

Dr. Banner was sitting next to her, Mr. Thor and Loki were sitting at one of the tables. Mr. Rogers was sitting on the loveseat with Mr. Barnes sitting in his lap. Mrs. Stark was sitting on the other end of the large rounded couch. Mr. Barton and Mr. Lang weren't there because they were spending the holidays with their families. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Rhodes were both sitting on a chair next to the couch.

I walked over and sat down on the floor next to the pile of presents that sat by the fireplace. Everyone in the room watched smiling. It was almost like we were all a family.

I felt the smile growing upon my face as i opened the first gift, there were like 8 different Santa gifts, one of them being a giant box almost as tall as me!

I opened the gift closest to me, and excitedly pulled off the wrapping paper. It reveleved several Star Wars comics. My face lit up at the sight of them.

I set them aside and then went to opening the rest of the presents. From Santa i had gotten; 5 star wars comics, a giant teddy bear, some wall decals for my room here at the tower, a toy bow and arrow, another book from Dr. Banner, and then some more avengers T-shirts. Guess Santa suddenly wanted to give me more than just one gift this year?

After i had finished opening those presents i started picking up the wrapping paper with the help of Mr. Stark. Then suddenly we heard a lot of comotion outisde. We looked out the window to see a ton of reporters outside with their cameras.

"Oh come on it's Christmas can't you give it a break?!" I thought to myself annoyed.

"I'll handle this." Mr. Stark said then patted my shoulder, "You can keep opening your presents Peter along with everyone else, I'll be back in a few minutes." Mr. Stark said then left the room.

Mrs. Romanoff got up from the couch and helped me hand out everyone's presents. My pile was at least 2 times bigger than everyone else's to my surprise.

Tony's POV:

I rolled my eyes as i saw the flood of reporters outside my building. I wanted to sort all of this out that way, hopefully, Peter could have a normal life without a ton of media outlets following him around. I didnt want him going to school and everyone looking at him differently from this. Not only that, but if people found out just how much i cared for Peter, he could become a target.

I put on my glasses and stepped out if the elevator once it came to a stop and the doors opened. I walked out the front doors where i was greeted with camera and microphones in my face.

"Mr. Stark is one of those kids your son?" One person asked.

"Mr. Stark who were those two boys?" Another asked.

I then pointed at someone hoping that everyone else would shut up. It worked and the young woman i pointed at spoke holding the microphone pointed towards me.

"Mr. Stark is Peter Parker really your son?" She asked.

"No, he's here for an internship, his aunt was out of town and he needed a place to stay and that's that. I barely know him and i had to get a tree for the tower and i took him with so he wasn't alone in the tower. No more questions and get the hell out of here." I said then walked back inside. I hoped that that would be the end of it. Before i could make it to the elevator there was a loud crash outside. I quickly looked behind me to see; a guy flying up in the air right outside the tower. He had almost completely demolished a building.

"Peter Parker i know you're in there! come out before innocent people get hurt!" The guy said using a mega phone of some sorts but it was a lot louder.

A/N: Can't let them catch a break can we?

also: sorry this part is so short😅 next part will be out within a few hours or tomorrow.

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