Adoption Day

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A/N: Sorry everyone this is going to be the last part hope you enjoyed! but I will probably be writing another Fic soon enough.

Peter's POV:

I sat up in my bed trying my best to ignore the splitting pain in my head I grabbed the cup of water on my nightstand and drank it before standing up. "Friday what day is it?" I asked.

"Good norning Peter, today is August 25th and it's Tuesday." Friday responded.

My eyes widened in shock at the sound of the date. "Shit it's already the 25th? I thought it was two days from now!" I thought to myself before there was a knock on my door before i said anything my dad came in. "Hey kiddo." He said as he walked inside, "How you feeling?" He sat down next to me on the bed.

I sighed and looked at the ground, "I'm guessing you know what I did last night?" I said.

"Oh you mean getting drunk, inviting Flash over behind my back and after curfew, and now being hungover while we're just five hours away from adopting you?" My dad said listing all of them off.

"I'm sorry I just wanted a distraction, I wanted everything to be normal for a night." I responded.

He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. "Kid it's okay, I would be lying if i said i didn't get drunk from time to time at your age, just try not to make a habit of it okay?"

I nodded unable to say anything then he pulled me into a hug. "And please tell me when something's going on I might not be the best help but I'm sure your pops would be." He said as he pulled out of the hug. I gave a slight smile. He stood up from the bed, "Now get ready and come and eat we only have five hours before you're officially a stark." He said then walked out of the room.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my walk in closet and grabbed my favorite jeans and my uncle Ben's old sweater to wear. I quickly got changed, thanks to my quick healing the headache was almost gone already.

I walked out of my room and down the hall towards the lounge where Nat, Thor, Loki, Dr. Strang, and my dads were. They all looked back at me and Thor was the first to stand up and say something. "You ready to be Peter Tonyson young one?" Thor said.

I gave a smile, "Yeah deffinitly!" I said as I walked over to the table. Once I sat down pops put a plate of eggs in front of me. As I ate every one started talking i pretty much zoned out as I thought about everything that has happened. First with us thinking Tony was dead, i really wanted to know how they brought him back. I don't know how so much happened in 5 the five seconds i was out. I came back and all of a sudden I have a cousin I never knew about, May is gone now, and life as i knew it before is gone. It's like someone hit a reset button, which i guess it what happened. Although it was a reset snap other than a reset button. I felt tears falling down my face but all sound around me was silent. For the first time since I got my powers I was able to tune everything out, instead of hearing everything i was now hearing nothing. It was almost as if i was numb to the world around me.

"Peter, Peter, Peter you okay?" I heard my name repeating, it was Pop's voice, it had brought me back to reality, back from my zoned out state.

I shot up and quickly wiped my tears. I looked over to see Pops standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder and everyone else in the room looking at me.

"Ye-Yeah I'm alright..." I lied as I wiped my fave with my sweater sleeve.

He raised his eyebrow at me but disregarded it for now. I quickly finished eating. "Hey can I head over to May's old place?" I asked my dads.

The two shared a look but reluctantly said yes as long as I was back at least an hour before the adoption.

I walked down the hall and to my room where my suit was and quickly changed before I swung myself out. I headed to Queens where I used to live before all of the shit happened in my life. As I swung I thought about today and what exactly was happening. I was being adopted by my hero, my father, someone i idolized before I even considered him a father. He was always someone I looked up to now him, and all the avengers are my family. I just hoped that it wouldn't get messed up this time. Thanks to my Peter luck nothing seems to stick, which is funny coming from a sticky spider.

Finally I arrived at the apartment and climb through the window that I climbed in through every night five years ago. In the bedroom Lilly was sitting down playing with her dollhouse.

"Peter!" Lilly said excitedly once i took off my mask.

I gave a smile, "Hey Lilly." I said, "Where's your dad?"

As if on queue, Rio came into the room with a smile on his face. "Hey kiddo!" He said and opened his arms to give me a hug. I went into the hug and he messed with my hair a bit before pulling out. "Big day today, didn't think you'd be stopping by."

"Just wanted to come by and invite you two to the press conference and then you can come hang out at the compund." I responed.

Lilly smiled up at her dad excitedly, "Can we, can we?" Lilly begged.

Rio gave an 'Are you sure?' look to me to which i nodded. He then looked down at his daughter, "All right we can go." He said with a reluctant smile.

I smiled, "Alright I'll see you then, I better get going, if I'm late my dads will kill me." I said and then swung out the window.

two hours later...

I stood in the stage behind my dad who was standing at the podium. Cameras all facing us along with about 200 people in the room. Rio and Lilly were sitting in the front row closest to the stage.

"I'd now like to introduce the new addition to the Stark family." My dad said looking back at me and motioning for me to step up to the podium, "Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark."

I stepped up to the podium with a smile on my face as every thing I've ever wanted was happening. The 200 people in the room were now applauding and the people with cameras were zooming in on me and the people with mics were asking questions. I wasn't about to have a sensory overload this time though. This time it felt like a win. This time the questions and cameras were making me an official member of the avengers and Stark family.

A/N: Hey everyone! hope you enjoyed the fic Imade another one called "Son Of a Widow" check it out! (it's another Spider-Son one but in this one Tony's an uncle not a dad)

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