I am Spider-man

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Peter's POV:

Three days later

I walked into the lounge to see Rhodey, Steve, and bucky sitting around the TV watching a movie. I looked around to see if Tony was around, when i didn't see him anywhere i looked over at Steve and Bucky who were cuddling on the couch.

"uhh do you know where Tony is?" I asked

Steve looked over at me, "Last I saw him he was in his room talking to Pepper." Steve said.

I nodded and thanked him then turned to leave the room. I walked down the hall and towards the elevator, once inside the elevator i went to the 27th floor where Tony's room was. The elevator dinged telling me I was on the 27th floor. within a few seconds the doors opened and i stepped out. I walked down the hall and arrived at Tony's bedroom door. I heard him and Pepper talking inside, more yelling than actually talking though. I stood outside the door nosily listening in.

Tony's POV:

"Tony you spend all your time with that kid and none with me!" Pepper yelled. She had been going on a rant about how i didn't care about her and that i was only hurting her. "Dammit Tony he's not even your kid! He's just a dumb intern an employee!" She continued.

That was when i had enough of her yelling. I was sitting at my desk trying my best to ignore her but i couldn't anymore. I turned my chair around so i was facing her and then stood up.

"He's more than just an intern Pepper!" I yelled, "I care about him like he's my son! He even called me dad a few days ago!"

"So what? dump me and go spend every second of your time with a kid that's not even yours?!" She yelled in response. "Before you even met him we were ready to start a family Tony! and now you don't even spend more than five minutes with me!"

"I didn't want to start a family Pepper!" I admitted finally, "I'm almost 50! I'm not going to be caring for a newborn when I'm old enough to be their grandfather!" i continued. "I just said i did because it's what YOU wanted!"

"We're DONE Tony I'm not going to sit here and wait for you to get your head out of your ass and realize that Peter isn't YOUR kid! Have fun wallowing up alone when he leaves to go back to his aunt's!" Pepper yelled then stormed out of the room.

I rubbed my forehead as she stormed out of the room. I expected to hear the door slam but to my surprise it didn't. I looked up to see Peter right outside the door.

"Peter?" I said then sighed, "How much did you hear?"

He walked closer to me and was right next to the bed while i was by the desk.

"Not much, what was that all about?" He asked.

"Nothing important." I said dismissing it. "What do you need?"

"I was just wondering what we were going to do about the whole me being exposed thing." Peter asked, "School starts again soon and well i have to leave the tower eventually."

I sighed knowing this was the whole reason Pepper and I were fighting. I was devoting my time to try and find a way for this to all work out. I just wanted what was best for Peter.

"Well we have two options," I started, "The first being to completely dismiss it and say it was a fake photo."

"Will people believe that?" Peter asked.

"It's a 50/50 chance that they do, the other option being I announce you as the newest avenger and you live unmasked." I explained.

He was silent for a moment, i assumed he was just thinking about what he wanted to do. He then spoke, "Let's do the announcement saying I'm the newest avenger." He said.

Wrong number kidWhere stories live. Discover now