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If it makes ya feel better it hurts for me to write it just as much as it hurts you to read it. (saying you absolutely hate me for doing this)

Tony's POV; (duh cuz who's else would it be?)

I was stranded in space on the Quinn Jet accepting my fate that I was probably going to die there since we were light years away from any planet and were running out of oxygen. Nebula and I spent our time coming up with ways we could live longer, and playing games like table foot ball. Oxygen was going to run out tomorrow morning. I recorded a new video message that was pretty much my goodbye. Before all this had happened I was talking to Pepper, she wanted almost nothing to do with me at that point. Peter was gone and it was my fault.

"Maybe, just Maybe if we hadn't gone after Thanos... Maybe he'd still be here..." I said to my helmet that was recording. I wipef the tears from my face.

"Rhodey, I know you'll probably never see this, and of you do then I'm probably dead." I paused, "God I feel like a middle schooler confessing his crush." I thought to myself.

"Rhodey you've been the only person on my mind through all of this. Well, you and the kid." I said to the helmet, "I don't know if you're gone or not, god i hope you're okay." Tears formed in my eyes and started falling I wiped them away, "I like you Rhodey, it took me a while to come to the conclusion but I finally did. If you see this... I'm sorry i never got the chance to tell you." 

I cried a into my hands a little then wiped the tears. "I should probably get some rest, shut my eyes for a bit." I said to the helmet leaning toward it with my head on my head, "Please know that when i drift off, it'll be like every other night." I sighed, "I'm fine. Totally fine." Another sigh. "I dream about you... It's always you." I said then shut off the camera and layed back against the wall. Sleep quickly overcame me as my eyes shut and I drifted off.

Time skip

I woke up to a bright light shining through the glass of the front of the ship. I blinked over and over again trying to get my eyes adjusted to the bright light. I covered my eyes with my hand from the blinding light.

The light dims and reveals Captain Marvel. I sigh in relief and fall back asleep as she moves the ship.

Time Skip (again)

We finally land on earth outside the new compund. Nebula lifts me from my chair and helps me to the exit. I step down the ramp and see Steve and Rhodey runing towards me. I let out a relieved sigh to see the two were okay. Steve made his way to me before Rhodey did. He grabbed my other side as i limped down the ramp and finally my feet touch solid ground. He slowly let's go of me but still holding his hand on my back in case I fall. We stood there for a moment and Rhodey came behind us.

"Tony." He says relieved to see me, He grabs me and Steve moves away.

"James I-I lost the kid..." I said defeated.

"Tones, we lost." He said as we walked. I was weak and skinny from the month spent on thar ship.

Five year summary (TW: SUIC*DE)

During the five years of before Tony discorvered Time travel to save Peter. The years started off with him staying at the compund after Thor chopped Thanos' head off. One the first month Tony went into a dark spot. He burried himself so deep into self doubt and guilt he shut everyone out. One day Rhodey came and dug him out of his hole and helped him through. Tony's nightmares finally came to an end after Rhodey started sleeping with him. (not like tHaT it wasn't that every night to dirty minded fools.) A month of them dating later Pepper showed up back into their lives. She told Tony she was only a month pregnant when she had left him. She wanted Tony and Rhodey to take the baby. She knew she wasn't in a right place to care for a child. Tony and Rhodey agreed and four months later Morgan was born. Tony was finally happy, but there was still a part of him missing: Peter. The family moved into a cabin out of state in Georgia. Tony and Rhodey dropped their superhero lives to create a better life for their newly born daughter. When Morgan was 2 Pepper ended her own life, losing her battle to depression. There was no shared custody anymore. Tony almost dug himself into another hole but dug himself out of it before it got too big. He stepped up and took care of his daughter, and went on with his new life.

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