Meeting the family part 1

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Samaus watched as three boys and two girls came out of waht seemed to be a living room. He hid behind Kenchi as best he could.

Two boys came running up to Kenchi and hugged him, while the oldest son and the girls smiled.

Kenchi smiled and hugged the two. "Tai! Kai! It's good to see you my boys! You two been good for mommy?"

Both boys nodded.

Kenchi looked up to all of his kid's. "Children, I'd like you to meet Samaus. He'll be living here with us for a bit. Don't tackle him kids." He says sternly at the end. He moves to show them Samaus standing there nervous.

Samaus waved slightly. "Hi."

(this is all i got at the moment but more will come i promise)

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