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"You have to focus!" He screams at me before knocking my feet out from under me. I land on my back and my breath is knocked out of me. I look up at him, glaring. Right now, I wish I had the ability to choke him with my mind.

"You can't expect me to be perfect at this!" I scream back, standing up and holding my knife in my hand at my side. Seriously? This guy thinks that I should just be able to combat him well? He has most likely undergone years of training.

"If you would listen, you would get there quicker! Everything seems to be lost on you!" He yells in my face, causing me to take a step back. I can tell my arguing only makes him angrier.

I make a move that is a little too bold. Stepping closer to him, I push him back with my palms against his chest while yelling. "If you wouldn't yell at me, maybe I would listen!"

It was definitely the wrong move.

Suddenly, I find myself pressed against the wall and held in place. Kylo stands where he was before, holding his hand out to keep me in place. My head hits the wall with a thud and pain radiates throughout my skull.

"You need to watch your tone with me," he growls, a sneer on his uncovered face.

I struggle to breathe, to move, to think. He walks closer to me before dropping his hand. I'm released, tumbling to the ground.

"You should watch your anger," I manage to breathe out. I look up at him with a strong will. I've already got one foot through the door I might as well keep going.

He cocks his head to the side.

"You're testing my limits," he states, turning on his heel and walking away from me. I finally catch my breath and stand up, leaving my knife on the ground. I walk to him.

"Listen, I know you're some hot shot here or whatever, but I know nothing! You can't treat me as if I know everything!"

"How do you not know anything? Are the leaders of Uquine neglecting the First Order's power?" He yells, turning back to me. We are now only feet apart.

"I-I don't know, I was just a servant. They didn't tell me much," I tell him, our close proximity beginning to wear on my fearless facade. He could snap my neck in a second, with or without actual physical contact.

He growls. Literally growls from his throat which causes me to give him a weird look.

He turns around and I watch him. Suddenly, he turns back around and swings a fist at me. I barely manage to duck out of the way. He lunges for me next and I take him, grabbing his shoulders and trying to overpower him. He pushes me back against a wall and I try to duck out of his hold but it's no use.

"You know, I'm starting to think you kept me so that you could beat me up," I comment, causing him to relax a little bit.

I use that as an opportunity to duck away from him and I grab his shoulder from where I stand at his side. Then, I take my knee and jam it into the back of his knee.

As he loses his balance and falls, he grabs my elbow and my waist to try to counter my attack and ends up bringing me down with him.

We both land on the floor but thankfully, the landing wasn't painful for me since I landed on Kylo. My hips hit his directly however and it makes me wince from sharp pain. He groans.

I look at him, unable to move. His eyes connect with mine and he raises an eyebrow.

"That wasn't half-bad, actually," he comments, his hand still on my hip.

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