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Timidly, I open the door to the training room and step in. The door locks with finality behind me.

The entire walk since I challenged him in the commissary hall, I have regretted it. It didn't really sink in how badly I behaved until I walked away from Bane, but now my heart races at just the thought of him—not in a good way.

Kylo's back is to me and he is still wearing his helmet and cape. I want to turn right back around and exit the room. At the same time, I don't want Kylo to know I am fearful.

As I exercise the thought of going back to my room, Kylo turns around to face me.

His mask is covering his face and I am for once thankful, terrified of what his expression would show. He ever so slightly cocks his head and I feel fear rise within me. Simultaneously, I feel tiny butterflies floating around in my stomach at the thought that I publicly got away with calling him Kylo and talking back to him.

"Do you really think..." He trails off, his enhanced voice sounding monotonous. Then, he clicks the lock off his mask and and with a hiss, he removes it. His eyes lock onto mine as he throws his helmet across the room. The silence feels like an eternity before he speaks again. "How fucking stupid do you have to be to speak to me in such a disrespectful manner!"

His outburst is sudden, scaring me as he swipes his hand across the table, sending knives and belts clattering to the ground. His eyes never leave mine as he does this, his arm moving in one powerful, fluid motion. Then, he takes another step toward me.

"Do you think that you can actually speak to me like that in front of all of those people? My people! People that are under my command! Do you really believe that you can just get away with undermining me in front of everyone? You truly must be dumb to have thought you could do such a thing!" His voice is the loudest I have ever heard it, a rasp entering his tone at the volume. He takes another step, stepping right over a belt strewn across the ground before him without even looking to see it there. I back against the door, my spine pressing into the cool metal. If I could, I would melt myself and become one with the door.

My fear of him before was almost a playful fear, a fear only felt to entertain the idea of fearing him because that's what everyone else seemed to do. Now, I am actually fearful of him, cowering at the very thought of him. I don't know how my fear managed to change so quickly.

I watch him, trying to anticipate his next move, his next word. I'm afraid that it will be a move to harm me, a word to belittle me. I feel a churning deep in my stomach, my nervousness and unease manifesting into a monster clawing at my insides.

After staring for who knows how long, he raises his hand and I expect him to use the force on me. Instead, he holds his hand palm up, beckoning me to him with a curling finger.

Hesitating, I take a step back, my heel colliding with the door since I cannot physically move back further. My fists clench at my sides to subdue my nervousness.

When I don't approach Kylo, he clenches his fists like me. "Come here."

I don't know whether it's the menacing look on his face, or if it's the fact that it's Kylo telling me to close the distance between us that scares me, but either way, I listen. It's as though my rebellious attitude has gone into hibernation. Before I can take a breath in, I'm moving towards Kylo quickly.

I stand in front of him, my body erect and rigid. My breathing is shallow and I'm consciously aware that I'm not getting enough oxygen in my body.

"The way you acted was unacceptable," he says, his voice now a deadly calm and quiet murmur.

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