Chapter 2: Meeting the Marauders

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Marauders

A/N Finally got around to starting the second chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or anything Harry Potter related. I do own the OC Jasmine and the plot of this story.

September 1st finally arrived, and the two girls couldn't be more excited about it. Jasmine was so excited to be going to school with her cousin who was practically her sister. They even looked similar at first glance. They both had red hair and greenish eyes. Their face structures where also similar. Therefore, many times when they were out together, people would mistake them for twin sisters.

Although, when you look closer at the two girls, though, you can see the differences. Jasmine's red hair wasn't as dark as Lily's. It was actually a bit lighter in color. While Lily was a true red head, Jasmine's hair was more of a darker strawberry blonde color. Her hair color was like a mixture of both her parents' hair colors. Her mother being a red head and her father being blonde. Her eyes were the same way. Although they looked to be green at first glance, they were actually a pale blue-green color. People often told her that her eyes were mesmerizing, especially the boys at Beauxbatons Academy. She always blushed at that complement, which always made her feel better about herself and what she looked like. It was partially because of the complements and her friends that kept her from believing her mother's words.

The girls soon arrived at Kings Cross Station where they said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Evans at the car. They had to get ito work, so they couldn't go with the girls to the actual train. They did help load their stuff onto some trolleys though. When the girls' stuff was all out of the car and onto the trolleys, they said goodbye again. Jasmine's aunt and uncle wished her a good term with the promise that they would see them for Christmas, which Jasmine was happy about. She was actually going to be going home for Christmas. She usually stayed at school because of her mother's drinking habits.

After saying their final goodbyes, Lily led the way to the platform the train was on. Jasmine was a bit confused as to how they were going to get to the platform. It was obviously going to be hidden from the muggles, but she didn't understand how. She found out once they arrived at the area between Platforms 9 and 10. Lily was about to start running toward the platform but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked over and saw a confused Jasmine staring at her.

"Oh, sorry," Lily apologized to her cousin. She gave her a sheepish smile before continuing. "I forgot to tell you how to get onto the platform. All you have to do is run at this barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Don't worry, you won't run into the wall." Then Lily took off running with her trolley into the said barrier. When she made contact, instead of crashing, she disappeared. Jasmine laughed in surprise as she took a sprint toward the barrier. She, like Lily, disappeared and ended up on platform 9 ¾. The sight of the train was amazing. It looked to cool. She was staring at everything in awe, but that was interrupted when she felt someone grip her arm and start pulling her toward the train. Jasmine looked to see that it was Lily.

"Come on, Mina. You can admire the train later. We have to get our stuff on before it leaves without us." Lily continued to pull her cousin toward the train. Once they got to one of the many entrances, they tried to put their trunks on the train. They had started with Lily's, but it was proving to be more difficult than they thought it would be.

"Jeez, Lils, what did you put in this trunk?" Jasmine questioned her cousin as they continued to struggle to get it onto the train.

"Just what I usually put in the trunk," Lily responded innocently. "I don't remember it being this heavy last term. Although, I usually have my dad to help me get it onto the train."

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