Chapter 8: O.W.L.s and the Second Incident

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Chapter 8: O.W.L.s and the Second Incident

A/N Another drama filled chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or anything Harry Potter related. I do own the OC Jasmine and the plot of this story.

It had been couple months since the first incident that the Marauders now referred to as the "prank." And Easter break had come and gone. The "prank" was almost all but forgotten by the four boys and Jasmine by now. It didn't matter anymore, especially with O.W.L.s coming up soon. Most of the fifth-year students were focusing on studying for those and the Marauders were no exception. Some of the Marauders (Remus) were studying more than the others but they were still studying.

Then came along an amazing assignment in Muggle Studies for them to complete over the summer. Sirius and Jasmine were sitting next to each other like they usually did in Muggle Studies. It was one of their last classes before O.W.L.s, when the professor announced an extra credit assignment. She told them that they would get extra credit over the summer if they brought something muggle in the next semester. The assignment produced a lot of chatter, and the professor allowed it since class was over anyway.

After they were dismissed from class, Sirius turned to Jasmine and asked her, "Hey, Mare. Could you help me with the assignment? I know it is only extra credit, but I really want to do it." Sirius gave her his best puppy dog eyes. He had another reason other than his interest in muggles to do the extra credit assignment. He wanted to spend more time with Jasmine, which is no surprise since he discovered that he liked the girl.

"Sure, no problem, Pads. You'll have to owl me when you want to do it since I still don't have an owl." Jasmine gave him a small smile, to which Sirius gave a big grin back in reply.

"Thanks so much, Mare. You're the best." He gave her a quick side hug. Then the both of them headed off back to Gryffindor Tower talking about what they could possibly bring in for the extra credit project.

~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~

Soon enough, OWLs were upon the fifth years. The stress was higher than it had been all year. It just a tense time for the students of Hogwarts, especially those that counted on these OWLs to be able to get into the career that they wanted. So really the entire week was filled with last minute studying among other things for the Marauders.

The week of OWLs seemed to fly by, though, at least for Jasmine it did. By the end of the week, Jasmine had only one more OWL, while the boys and Lily were all finished with theirs. Jasmine was pissed that they got to relax before she did, but the OWL is for music, so Jasmine didn't mind entirely. Music was one of her absolute favorite classes after all. She knew she would do amazing on the OWL. So, at the end of the week Jasmine sat down for her music OWL super confident with her abilities to get an Outstanding on this OWL.

While Jasmine was off taking her last OWL, the boys were relaxing. Peter was off who knows where. Remus was in his room packing a few more things, and after that he had a book he was going to read. James and Sirius were out longing outside on the grounds of Hogwarts. James had nicked a snitch and was playing around with it. He and Sirius were talking, when Sirius said, "I'm bored."

This worried James. He knew Sirius was already not looking forward to going home. He knew what would be going on with his best friend when he finally got home. So, Sirius saying he was bored meant that he would start to think about all the horrors he was going home to. To distract Sirius, James looked around for something to do. Then James spotted Severus Snape, and before he even thought twice about it, he pointed Snape out to Sirius.

What happened next, James really wasn't all that sure of. It all happened so fast. One-minute James was just pointing out Snape, the next minute he was on the ground and gagging on pink soap bubbles. Then Lily came in to defend the boy.

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