Chapter 13: Confessions

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Chapter 13: Confessions

A/N The "winner" is Sazzy. I just liked it the best out of the few that I saw from all the sites that I have posted this on (I have it on like 5 different sites). This came from SLYTHERIN QUEEN 364 days until next book on Quotev.
Also, note this chapter continues directly after the last one. (I added a little last chapter to be sure you remember what happened). Now on with the chapter I am sure you have all been waiting for since like the beginning.

(Ps I'm sorry for not finishing this sooner. I originally wanted to post this before I started school back up again, but I just didn't have the time and my computer just went stupid. It was not a great time.)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or anything Harry Potter related. I do own the OC Jasmine and the plot of this story.


Meanwhile, Sirius had finally gotten into Jasmine's room. It took a lot of pleading and begging for her to open the door, but she finally did. Sirius was happy that she opened the door, but that went away as soon as he saw her face. Her eyes were bloodshot with tears still threatening to fall. Her cheeks were tear streaked. She had been crying for a while now.

Sirius' heart melted when he saw her. He felt so bad for Jasmine. He had to comfort her, there was no other option. Sirius was determined to make this girl feel better, so he took Lily's advice.

~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~~~~~~

Jasmine let Sirius into the room and shut the door behind him. She relocked it before walking over to the bed to sit next to Sirius who was already sitting on the bed. She couldn't find her voice to say anything to him, though. Luckily, Sirius spoke up first. "Oh, Mare! I don't know why you are crying, but maybe I can help if you tell me."

Jasmine hesitated. This is what she got for locking Lily out. Did she really want to tell him the whole story? Jasmine's resolve wasn't very strong at the moment, so she gave in after seeing the pleading look in Sirius' eyes. She would tell Sirius everything. She just hoped he would understand and wouldn't judge her for anything. And most of all, she hoped that this wouldn't change how he saw her. She was still the same girl, just a little more broken inside than he knew. "Well, I'm sure Lily sent you up here." Her voice was still shaky from the crying, but with every word her voice became steadier. "So, you must know about the mean letter from Petunia." Sirius nodded. "Well, I'm not really upset with Petunia because  I've never really liked her. It's just that the words remind me of my mother." Then Jasmine took a deep breath and told Sirius everything from how her father died when she was 11 to how her mother changed after her father's death. She told him what happened on her 15th birthday and how she was so happy that he was there for her 16th to comfort her unknowingly. And through the whole thing, Sirius listened and held the poor girl.

It was when Jaz was thanking him for coming to her birthday that she saw Sirius wince. This action confused her but mainly it worried her. Jaz was afraid that this was a sign that his opinion of her was changing or that he was about to say something mean. And Jasmine couldn't handle that, so she started to scoot out of his arms and further down on the bed.

At this action, Sirius started to get worried. He thought that he did something wrong. He thought that Jasmine was going to close up on him again, and Sirius wasn't sure if he could handle that. So, he voiced his thoughts. "Mare? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? If I did, I really didn't mean to. Please don't shut me out. I want to be here for you." Sirius wanted to add that he loved her, but he knew now wasn't the right time for that.

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