Chapter 10: Back to Hogwarts

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Chapter 10: Back to Hogwarts

A/N Okay, so for now, no more major drama. At least I don't think there will be for now. Enjoy the chapter! 😊 (PS sorry about not updating in a while. Been busy with school and I got a bit too into knitting)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or anything Harry Potter related. I do own the OC Jasmine and the plot of this story.

It had been a week since Sirius had come to live with James. James was excited to have his best friend live with him, but he realized soon after Sirius started to live with them that it wasn't going to be easy. Sirius was still adjusting to his new home life. There had been a few incidents already where Sirius had broken a glass or made a mess or something. When it happened, Sirius always cleaned it up immediately while apologizing. He was always reassured that it wasn't his fault or that it was just an accident. Most of the time this worked to calm Sirius down which was promising.

These incidents, though, freaked James out a bit. He knew Sirius was broken, but James couldn't even begin to fathom how to help fix his best friend. He had no idea what to do. James' parents have always loved him. Sometimes they even doted on him, which he didn't mind one bit. James didn't know how to relate with what Sirius had been through. But he did know that he would always be there for his best friend. His parents had told him that the best thing that he could do now was to just be there for Sirius, which is exactly what James planned on doing.

Anyway, besides the incidents, having Sirius live with James was awesome. Since Potter Manor had so many rooms, there was plenty of rooms that Sirius could choose from to be his new bedroom. He ended up choosing the room next to James' bedroom. Sirius decorated the room the way he wanted, for once.

As Sirius began to settle into his new life with the Potters, he was able to relax more. It was about two weeks in when he remembered the extra credit project for Muggle Studies. He still wanted to try and do it, so he asked James for help. He would have reminded Jasmine that she agreed to help him, but he knew she would know something was up when James' owl delivered his letter instead of the owl that had been delivering his letters previously. He wasn't ready to explain why he had James' owl, Merlin, just yet.

So, with James' help, him and Sirius set out to search around for something muggle that could work. It was on this "adventure" that Sirius found the best thing that he has ever had. It was a motorcycle – well it was only the bare bones of one but still. The motorcycle was about to get hauled off when he spotted it. Luckily, him and James managed to stop it, so Sirius now had the frame of a motorcycle. He had no idea how he was going to restore it, but he was determined to make it work. Somehow, he was going to get this motorcycle running again. He knew, though that he wasn't going to be bringing this in for the extra credit project. He didn't care about the extra credit, though. He just wanted the motorcycle.

That is how Sirius found his own summer project to work on for the rest of the summer. Sirius started off by trying to figure out how to fix it up and get it running. Again, he would have asked Jasmine for help, but he wasn't sure how much she actually knew about fixing up motorcycles. Also, by now him and James had agreed that it would be better to tell the rest of the Marauders about Sirius' new living situation in person. It would be better that way.

So instead of asking Jasmine for help, Sirius did his own research by going to a local muggle library and using his Muggle Studies books. By using those resources, Sirius was able to figure out just what kind of motorcycle it was as well as how to fix it up. After figuring out what kind of motorcycle it was, Sirius knew he would need certain parts to fix the motorcycle up. It took almost the rest of the summer, but with James' help, they had found all the parts that they would need to fix up the motorcycle.

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