Chapter 5: The Full Moon (and Halloween)

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Chapter 5: The Full Moon

A/N I'm excited for this chapter. I hope it seems realistic enough. Enjoy my fellow Potterheads.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or anything Harry Potter related. I do own the OC Jasmine and the plot of this story.

Jasmine had been at Hogwarts for a month now. She was thriving, easily keeping up with all of her schoolwork. She really enjoyed her music class and transfiguration, which were her favorite classes at Beauxbatons. She really enjoying Muggle Studies as well. She sat next to Sirius in the class ever since that first class. She really enjoyed talking about the class with him and sometimes Lily too.

Since Jasmine had pulled that first prank with the Marauders and became one herself, they had pulled several more, almost never getting caught. There were a few times that James and Sirius got themselves caught, but Jasmine and Remus still had not gotten caught. Peter didn't get caught either, but sometimes he didn't even participate in the prank. Jasmine and the other boys weren't really sure what he was doing when he wasn't pranking with them, but they didn't entirely care too much. Peter could do what he wanted. They weren't his keeper after all.

The five of them had become very close over the past month as well. The boys couldn't imagine their group without Jasmine. It felt almost like she had always been part of their group, but in reality, it had only been over a month that they were together. It was amazing how close they all became in such a short time, but there were still secrets between them. Jasmine still hadn't told them about her mother and the emotional abuse, and she didn't plan to ever tell them. It wasn't that she didn't trust them, but she didn't want to tell anyone except Lily.

Meanwhile, the Marauders were keeping several secrets from Jasmine. Sirius was still not planning on telling her about his hell of a home life. He didn't want to trouble Jasmine with it, but he also didn't think she would understand. Obviously, he didn't know that he was wrong. While Remus was still hesitant to tell Jasmine about his furry little problem. James and Sirius tried to convince him that Jaz wouldn't care or treat him any differently, but he didn't want to take the chance. Then there was the fact that James, Sirius, and Peter were planning on becoming animagi, but that tied back to Remus so they couldn't tell Jaz that without breaking Remus' trust. They could have told her about their plan with the map that they were making, but they thought that could also lead to questions about Remus' furry little problem as well. The boys didn't want to take any chances. They trusted Jasmine, but some of these secrets weren't theirs to tell.

It was now October 17th and it was a Friday, which Jasmine was so thankful for. She liked her classes, but this weekend was the first Hogsmeade weekend. Jasmine had never been to Hogsmeade, so she was excited. From what the Marauders and Lily had told her about Hogsmeade, she had the places that she knew she wanted to stop at. She originally was planning to spend the time with Lily, but she told her she would be hanging out with Snape. Lily said that Jasmine could join them if she wanted to, but Jasmine still was leery of Snape. So, instead, she told Lily she would just spend the Hogsmeade weekend with the boys.

The weekend seemed to come and go rather quickly. Jasmine had a great time hanging out with the boys. They went to the Three Broomsticks, Zonko's, and Honeydukes. Strangely they avoided the Shrieking Shack. Jasmine wasn't sure why they avoided it, but she didn't mind. She did want to see it, but she could always see it another weekend. Otherwise, Jasmine really had an amazing weekend at Hogsmeade. She was even able to sneak some of Zonko's stuff into Hogwarts that they had bought.

By the time Sunday evening rolled around, Jasmine was tired out and hungry. She ended up eating a lot of food at dinner, something that the boys found funny. They stopped laughing when Jasmine glared at them. After dinner, the five of them headed up to Gryffindor tower, talking along the way. That's when Jasmine said, "So, guys, I have this great prank idea that I wanted to run by you guys." They all perked up. "But I am pretty tired right now. Can I run them by you guys tomorrow night?"

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