Chapter 4: Training

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"Congratulations Team 4 after the splendid simulation rescue mission. Because of your abilities, intelligence and teamwork. I myself will teach you on how to be a great or stronger hero." I burst into happiness, i was so happy that i got into a good team with a great teacher.

Me and Ying jumps into happiness while Shielda chuckles with us.

"Alright and the rest of the Team, get to the next room you'll be next assisted by Captain Gopal in a Survival Simulation." All the rest of the team left excluding us three girls at the middle. We fix our postures after we notices Commander Fang glaring at us serious as hell.

"Alright Miss Hanna, Ying and Shielda. I need you three to demonstrate your powers with me, physically. Let's start with Miss Shielda here." Commander Fang said and clicks something in his watch. Five AI Robots showed up ready to face Shielda.

"You can do it Shielda! Beat those scrap of metals." Ying encourages while Commander Fang behind her rolls his eyes, Ying's enthusiasm was kinda annoying for him. I just chuckled secretly while watching Shielda preparing for battle with the Five AI robots.

As is started, The three first robot attacked her with lasers coming straight at her. Shielda fastly notices it and dodge it with ease, the three robots then loaded themselves a bit with explosion and started shooting Shielda with missiles. I gasp after Shielda got hit with one of those dangerous missiles. I turn beside me to see Commander Fang, with his poker face expression. Fully Observing the intense fight between her.

Shielda was blasted with another missile, she defended herself with her power shield. With that, she took the opportunity to take down the two robots shooting her with its hot lasers. After smashing them into pieces she turns around to see another round of incoming missiles for more. I saw her forehead satrted bleeding a bit. "Commander please stop! The battle is getting intense!" I said but he didn't listen but just ignored me while Ying beside me was just looking at her, with a worried expression.

Shielda grits her teeth in annoyance, she then decided to run towards the robots while avoiding the incoming lasers, i saw her face had gotten scratch her shoulder getting hit bleeding. As she got closer, Shielda jumps preparing to attack.

"Take this! Shield Slam!" She yelled and smacks down the robots with a heavy force creating a strong impact around us, the wild wind and smoke covering the area.

"Shielda!" Me and Ying yelled out of our worries.

As the smoke clears we saw Shielda standing in the middle of the room, with a serious victorious expression plastered all over her face catching her breath after the exhausting battle.

"Miss Shielda you have a strong keen of senses but as i witness your battle style. You already showed us your weakness. You still need a lot of training mostly you need to work on your Agility." Commander Fang honestly said after his observation while Shielda nodded with a hint of disappointment all over her. I frown only to see her still in vain, i approached her.

"Commander may i accompany her to the infirmary room?" i requested.

"You may afterall its Miss Ying who is going to demonstrate me her powers right now." i nodded and assisted Shielda.

Ying nodded her eyes rolled secretly. "Go Guys! I'll make this quick! I'll return to you when all of this is over." Me and Shielda nodded, making our way out of the training room.

Ying's Point Of View

"So Commander? Where are the robots that I'll fight?" i ask looking for robot enemies around my perimeter but i see nothing but him.

I saw him fixing his glasses with a smirk.

"The Robots are all destroyed thanks to yout friend. It's just you and me now." he said as he look at me with a show off look. Tssk what an arrogant teacher he is.

And what does he mean by just the two of us?

"What do you mean!?" i yelled confused. As i prepared myself.

Shadows around him started appearing everywhere. A Bear, Tiger and a Wolf. All of his infamous shadow forms came into life giving me the intimidating looks sending me chills. Eventually, looks like I'll have to deal with him first before i see my friends beforehand.

"Alright Miss Ying. Dodge any attack you're able to, don't hold back. I want to see how your power works, show me how it's done." Commander said as he pointed his hands towards my direction with the shadow creatures murmuring stepping closer towards me.

As i stood into my battle stance, his shadow tiger roars and initiate the first attack. At first i dodge its claw mark then behind me the shadow bear use its paws to smack me but failed as i was Five times faster than them.

"Hmm." i heard him say, i gasp and frozed when his shadow wolf was two meters away from me. With no luck, i received a painful scratch behind my back, ruining my attire and cutting few strands of my hair. I kneeled as i felt its claw mark through my skin. Of course he wasn't Commander of TAPOPS for nothing, i knew from the beginning he's smart and good at a situation like this, he was more experienced than me mostly in battles. There's no way i can beat his power.

He was known to be the Shadow Knight of the Galaxy, he stood beside his team with the Space Hero and the rest. They were strong as hell and i feel honored to have this fight with him even though I'm already in a bad shape.

"Is that all you've got Miss Ying? I'm so disappointed you know." he ask, clearly i know he was starting to mock me. He wanted me to feel hate towards him just for me to get my feet back up and face him once more. But still i was smarter for this. I needed to think of something.

I stood up and felt my hair fell onto my shoulder, tssk screw my appearance, I'll take him down this instance.

I saw him smirk his hands controlling his creatures facing me again.

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