Chapter 6: Survival Mission

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Somewhere planet in Nusa Gima Galaxy

"Your mission is to find Psychobot approximately in 144 hours which is 3 days. Follow my instructions and you'll know what to do. Incase everything goes wrong that means you failed and expelled from TAPOPS? Is Everything Clear." Commander Fang explained. I gulp and sluted.


3rd Person's Point of View

Day 1:
As Yaya embark on her Realistic Survival Mission. The Portal closes behind her, she sighs and raise her confidence focusing on her only mission, find Psychobot in a certain planet.

Yaya opens her watch and started reading some info that she need to know base from the Commander Fang's instruction. The Planet is currently 6:43 in the morning, with a cold atmosphere good thing she's wearing her cold proof attire given by Ying.

The Sky was clear, neighboring planets from miles away are can be seen from her spot. The Sky was in sunrise orange with a tint of fading pink and violet.

She sighs and starts searching.

Be careful Hanna the Planet has some kind of dangerous lurking creatures in the dark. I suggest don't enter in a dark and jungle area, there could be creatures out there that might hurt you.

Yaya nodded after remembering Shielda's reminder, but as Yaya continue to read her Commanders instruction, from her Data it is said that Psychobot likes to hide in a Jungle area preventing from being captured by plenty of Power Sphere Hunters from everywhere because the Jungle was the only way for Psychobot to hide under the protection of a scary Legends of the creatures lurking in it.

Yaya gulps as she sees a Jungle Area around Fifty Meters away from her distance. She was currently standing in a dessert area.

"Shielda said its dangerous for me to enter the Jungle but the Commander instructed it is where Psychobot lies. I'm pretty scared and confused at the same time I don't know what to do!? Think Yaya! Think!" Yaya said to herself facepalming. While thinking of something that might help her.

As foe seconds had passed Yaya thought of something.

"Maybe flying could save me." Yaya said and grip on to her backpack and started flying fifty feet from the ground.

Inside the Jungle it was very quiet and the atmosphere inside was dark and intimidating, Shielda was right it was dangerous there. Yaya felt herself sweat a little with a little confidence in her she suddenly hears some rustling leafs not far from her distance. Yaya starts to look around of where the rustling came she had no idea if what it is ot where it is. Until from a distance she hears an anonymous loud roar coming from her north direction.

As she reads the Commander's further instruction Yaya eyes widen as she sees the data written in her holographic screen.

Flying in the Jungle attracts the creatures from smelling a person's scent or movement.

Yaya looks back to her north direction to see six creatures flying in speed towards her direction. Yaya turns off her watch and started to flew inside the Jungle not minding her surroundings she hears the scary sounds of the Jungle making her more scared of flying fast just to get away from the Jungle Creatures. In a giant Fifty Meter tree Yaya flews upward seeing a small hole from the tree she enters there and hides.

As the creatures pases away Yaya sighs in relief.

"That was close." she said while checking the outside, she secretly flies towards the ground. The Sun was already shining and soon the Jungle brightens in lime green leaving Yaya in awe after seeing the giant trees surrounding her.

"It's huge." she commented after seeing the giant trees around her.

Since everything was bright it was safe for her as the light drives the creatures away. Yaya grips onto her backpack and continues her search.


24 minutes of duration.

Ying was bothered thinking of different kinds of scenario with Yaya's situation.

"Commander please let me see her!?" Ying requests but in the end the Commander refuse as the duration of Yaya's time test wasn't even close to hours, they still need to wait for 2 hours to see Yaya's condition.

"This ia ridiculous! How is this a test when us her teammate doesn't even know her condition!?" Ying complains and stumps her way to a sofa annoyed at the Commander. Shielda was just silent busy thinking of Yaya's safety.

In the other room Fang was with Captain Gopal and Captain Sai.

"Fang if the Commander Kokoci or Maskmana mostly your brother knows about this your screwed. You need to stop this mission now! It's becoming drastic for the poor cadet out there!" Sai reprehends while watching the new cadet Hanna struggling for survival in the dangerous planet.

Fang rolls his eyes. "She's my new student or cadet? I need to see for myself of what kind of power she has and how are the superiors liking her? I'm curious okay." Fang reasoned while Sai and Gopal shooks at him.

"Are you serious? Why would you send her to a planet thousand miles away just because you're curious? You've got be kidding me. This is outrageous!" Sai keep disagreeing at Fang, while Fang just ignore his associates and continued Hanna's survival mission.

"Take responsible Fang, you need to think better than this." Sai said and storms out of the room.

Fang just sighs in annoyance and continues watching his cadet.


Yaya's Point Of View

I somehow manage to defend myself from a mob of small size creatures trying to hurt me.

I flew into a flat land where the giant trees are starting to get smaller. What the? I stop when i spotted giant stones everywhere, and the scary part was there scratches everywhere in it and I'm afraid i just entered another risky area.

Suddenly for a moment the ground started shaking and i was in a State of shock and thoughtless about this. I started running fast towards the giant stone and hid behind it.

I gulp as the ground shaking turns more intense than earlier. Oh god Commander, Ying or Shielda help me get pass through this.

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