Part 1

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Mark had always been somewhat of a neighbourhood terror. Every time something in the neighbourhood got vandalised you could count on it that Mark had something to do with it. To the frustration of many neighbours, his parents didn't really seem to care. His family was pretty well off and with his dad being a lawyer Mark always seemed to get out of every situation unpunished. At least it looked like this terror was finally going to end. Mark had turned 18 earlier this year and had now graduated high school. After the long summer break he would head off to college and his reign of terror would finally end. Pretty much the whole neighbourhood thought Mark didn't deserve to go to college, but most of them were happy he would be gone.

A lot of this behaviour originated out of overcompensation for the fact that Mark, unlike most guys his age hadn't quite grown out to be tall and muscular. At 5'6" he was the smallest guy in his class. His body was lean instead of muscular and he really hated the fact that his fat seemed to get stored mostly around his bottom giving it a slight bubble butt like appearance. Around his sixteenth his body hair had started to grow finally, but it was a slow process. By now he had quite a large pubic bush, a little darker fuss on the arms and legs and three hairs on his chest. His face was kind of roundish with bright green eyes and dark brown hair. In terms of beard he only managed to grow a sparse moustache and a goatee which he proudly kept.

To look tougher Mark had tried adopting a skater look, something that fit well with the mischief he spread across the neighbourhood. It also gave him a sense of belonging, most of the skaters were actually quite chill and they accepted him even if the look didn't really suit him. The baggy clothes helped cover up his slender figure and bubble butt, but the way he kept his hair in a messy shoulder-length style made him look awkward. It was better now that he had some sparse facial hair, but not by much. The moustache and the goatee were too thin to look nice. His mom had often bugged him that he needed to shave, but that wasn't something Mark ever planned on doing. He was too proud of his beard as he called it.

Reputation and image were very important to Mark and over the years he certainly had built a reputation. Many of his vandalistic deeds had come from dares with the people he hung out with at the skate park. Mark never shied away from a challenge or dare, and it had made him kind of a legend at the skate park. This respect from his peers was a huge confidence boost for his ego and self-esteem which only prompted him to be even more daring.

It's his reputation that had scored him his relationship with Lisa, a pretty, somewhat eccentric blonde skater girl that was about the same height as Mark. Despite Marks loud mouth and daring behaviour, Lisa was the bossier one in their relationship. They had been together for three months and yet all this time Lisa had kept off the sex. She loved teasing and daring Mark to do all sorts of things to amuse her, which Mark was all too glad to carry out. Just the fact that he had a girlfriend one a year older than him at that made him feel accomplished in his manliness and that was all that mattered to him. It just gave him another thing to brag about.

From all the neighbours there was one guy in particular who had been a constant target of Mark's vandalism. His next-door neighbour John. For as long as Mark could remember this guy had had quarrels with his parents over the smallest things like a tree branch that hung over the property border, trash that was put out too early,... stuff like that. This was more than enough to mainly focus on this guy when the dare wasn't specific to a target.

John was a tall guy, somewhere in his mid to late fifties, standing about 6'2" tall. He was balding already, and the remainder of his hair was quickly greying. The guy was somewhat overweight and just a general weirdo. The man lived alone rarely came outside and when he did he complained about everything he saw. Due to his somewhat pulled back live style rumours had quickly spread that the guy was a huge perv.

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