Part 8

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Chapter 9

Once off the bus Mark snuck to his house as good as he could. Hiding behind bushes and hedges whenever he spotted someone. He really didn't want to run in any of his neighbours with this big pink shopping bag. It would mean nothing but trouble since he realised full well that he wasn't actually loved around here after all his vandalism.

Once at the house Mark chose to throw the bag up on the little roof above the door portal. He had used that before to sneak out of the house and get back in when he shouldn't, but now it would ensure that he would be able to sneak it inside without his parents seeing that bag. Afterall it was hidden well out of view and he could get to it whenever it was safe.

Walking to the front door Mark spotted both his parents at the kitchen table eating breakfast. With that information he decided to get the bag first thing when he arrived upstairs. It was best to not to wait with such things after all. What if it would blow away or something? Mark had quickly adapted his life around making the chance of discovery as small as possible which meant doing things like this, but also giving in to the orders he got. The more he did so the more he felt trapped, but by now it just kind of came naturally to give in. It was just easier.

In his room he barely had time to put the bag away before the speakers came to life. "You know the drill sissy." Is all the voice said. Luckily he did know, not that he liked any of it. First, he stripped down to his lingerie, then he went over to the way too realistic dildo and gave it a kiss, cringing as he did.

With his new entering ritual over Mark returned to the middle of his room and awkwardly started showing off his new set of lingerie. He felt like such a faggot doing it, Especially alone in his room. It just felt worse some how then when Linda was physically threatening him. Even more so when he knew this would probably be added to his ever-growing site.

He knew the newly added chastity cage was entirely visible with the cut out in his panties, so now was probably a good time to make a comment about it. Afterall with his cage on he wouldn't be able to jerk off like he had been ordered too anymore and he didn't want to get punished for it by having those flyers spread after all. Especially not knowing they would lead to his by now probably huge site.

"Uhm, as you might have noticed I kind of have a problem for the rules. My cock is kind of you know." Mark stammered highly embarrassed and nervous.

"Your cock? Don't you mean your little clitty which I can obviously tell is neatly locked up? I know the owner of CC's called me and will send me the key. She also told me that she has shown you how you can still masturbate so I don't see any reason why your clitty cage would be a problem." Came loud over the speakers. "Oh and she also told me that she taught you some poses so why don't you show me those sissy? I'm sure they are better than your pathetic fumbling you call showing off."

Mark was stunned. For a moment he just stood there frozen, lost for words. He knew his two main tormentors had at least had contact before and knew off each-other, them being Linda and the one who had orchestrated all off this. Mark still had no clue of who that was, and Linda surely wasn't going to tell him.

What he hadn't know however was that they actually talked, and quite a lot apparently considering that all this had happened not even an hour before. What else had they been discussing? Could Linda be the one actually behind of all this. It seemed unlikely considering how far from his house her shop was. She did seem to have a thing for sissies, getting off on the whole breaking, but it seemed even more unlikely that she would have been at his house in position too take that sharp of a pic in the few minutes he had been wearing panties or that she would have a daily pair of dirty boxers available for him. It almost had to be someone from the neighbourhood, but who? They all hated his guts.

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