Part 2

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Chapter 2

When Mark woke up the next day his parents were already gone, as usual. He was no early riser after all. He made some breakfast, gamed a bit made lunch and went to the skate park. There didn't seem to be any signs that flyers or anything like that had been spread much to his relief. Yesterday had certainly been a scare, maybe it had just been a cruel prank. After all it had been embarrassing but all things considered not that much worse than what his girlfriend had made him do over webcam. As the day passed by Mark managed to cast those humiliating memories out of his thoughts, and by the time he walked home he didn't even think about what had happened anymore.

It all came crashing back when he saw another brown envelope laying on the doorstep, his heart started racing and in panic he snatched it up quickly stepping inside. Mark hadn't needed to read his name on it to know it was meant for him. The moment he did though he was horrified to find it addressed to, "Sissy Mark". What if any of his neighbours, or the mailman saw this envelope? They would surely have questions. What if they would decide to open it? That would most probably be a disaster.

Mark took the envelope to his room nervously. He didn't know what was in it, did he even want to know? Considering the way it was addressed he probably wouldn't like the contents at all. Most of all he just wanted to burn and forget about it. If he did that he would be royally screwed though he wouldn't know what his blackmailer expected of him, not that he wanted to. The last thing he wanted was to play that sick bastards' game any longer, a one time off had been more than enough. Those flyers though, no matter how much he hated the idea of putting up with another potential task. It was still probably preferable to those flyers and that website being spread. If those ended in the wrong hands with all the insinuations made he might even get raped.

He had always been the kind of guy to envision doom scenarios and right now that wasn't helping his case at all. With dread he decided the best thing would just be to get this over with and so he reluctantly opened the envelope dumping the contents on his bed. Mark was horrified to see a plastic Ziplock bag with what looked like grey cotton fabric inside, a pile of bright baby blue fabric judging from the silky looking fabric and the lace he guessed these were panties. Last but not least there was a note.

"Hello again Sissy,

Yesterday I told you that a good sissy always obeys and well I have to say it really appears as if you are very motivated to be a good sissy. Anyways, I am sure you are just dying to find out what you must do next. I bet you have been looking forward to this moment all day and rest assured, I just know a big sissy like you is going to love this.

If you are reading this note I guess that means you have also found my other two gifts. One is a new pair of panties for you, seeing how much of a sissy you are, I bet you can't wait to try them on. The second thing is a pair of boxers. Here is what you are expected to do.

- Put on the panties, they are to stay on all evening and night, in fact all the time you are at home you will spend in your room wearing nothing but the panties I demand you wear that day. This also means when you are sleeping.

- Like last time all curtains stay open, at least until you decide to sleep.

- Once again you are supposed to read a fashion magazine for at least an hour.

- Just before going to bed you are required to pull the boxers over your head, the crotch part covering your face. Like that you are required to masturbate to climax in your panties. You don't clean them, you just sleep in them. First thing in the morning you are to repeat masturbating just like this once more.

- After your morning masturbation you are to hand wash both the panties and the boxers. The panties should be hung in you room to dry. The boxers are to be put back in the Ziplock bag and be left out on your front porch like that.

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