Chapter 6: searching the outside kingdom.

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"Doctor Oobleck" Blake said "yes my students, I'm afraid that you won't need those bags for where we are going" Oobleck said in breath and at fast speed even sonic had a hard time trying to keep up "Um okay we're save the save the world with Doctor Oobleck... yeah that I say it outloud it feel way weirder" Ruby said "according to my watch we should have already left" then Oobleck rushed towards the ship "WAIT A MINUTE, did you save the world WITHOUT US! Now I'm both upset and hungry thanks for no breakfast today Ren" Nora said then Team KRAB "why can't I come sonikku" Amy complained and then "FOUR MINUTES BEHIND" Oobleck shouted "ug got get going!" Sonic said then he and his team rushed to oobleck followed by Team RWBY and they took off "sonic being manipulated by that Ruby freak!!" Amy said with anger "AMY ROSE I HAVE HAD IT!!" Blaze shouted "sonic is not being manipulated by anyone. The reason he's spending so much time with Team RWBY more actually spending more Time with RUBY of all people is because he has feelings for her NOT YOU, and before you say 'but sonic loves only me but it's easy for you, Silver has something for you' Silver has a Crush on Weiss not me he told me and I respect him for telling me even though I feel like she doesn't deserve him just stop okay!" Blaze shouted in rage with fire in her hands.

(with Team's: RWBY and SSST) after landing Oobleck notice Ruby bag "miss Rose I thought I told you to leave bag behind" Oobleck stated "but you didn't tell to listen to you yet" Ruby replied both Silver and Weiss face palmed "she not, okay Ruby leave your bag here were come back for it later" Oobleck told "B-but-" "miss Rose what is so important that you-" Zewi pops his head out of the bag "get back in the bag" Ruby whispered. After Oobleck thought that Ruby bringing Zewi was a good idea and dealing with grim the gang needed to rest during the day Oobleck asked both team why they wanted to become a Huntsmen/huntress and did it to all expect Ruby then they start a fire and needed some sleep.

During that Night Yang was talking the Weiss and Blake while Ruby being on lookout however sonic and the other sense something that made them wake up "Shadow do feel that" Sonic asked "Yeah that's infinite energy it feel like he under us" Shadow explained then "yeah but-AHHHHH!" Sonic screamed which woke everyone then to see Zewi biting sonic's tail again but as sonic was about to say something he noticed Ruby was gone "Wait where's Ruby?" Sonic asked then Zewi bark and which caused all of them to follow to find Ruby Scythe a next to a hole in the ground and Oobleck then explained what was underneath the city "If Ruby is down their, we have to find her" Oobleck said and they jump into the hole with the guys getting serious.

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