Volume 2 Chapter 4: Training. "It can't be?"

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Yang and Tails were outside training Yang with her new arm, Tails block with his tails and throw a punch into Yang's stomach sending her back a few feet "no bad Yang, your getting to grips with the new arm" Tails commentated making Yang blush "and let least you don't rely on too much" Tails said "you know this feels just like my old arm, Honestly it's like it's light as a feather" Yang said then got smack in the face by Tails and landed on her back "I mean, back at Beacon tournament you kinda relied on you Semblance too much. And it even looked like you were taking the hit to propose" Tails explain then help yang stand up "Yang there something I learn that strength is good but if you can improve in a fight with that strength than you pretty much can do anything to beat your opponent" Tails suggested and when he was done Yang simply smiled and kissed Tails when they stop she looked at Tails with a big smile on her face "Tails, you're the best thing that happen to me. Thank you, I love you" Yang said then hugged him and Tails hugged back with his Tails wrapping around her "I love you too Yang, I promise I won't leave you" Tails replied.

Blake and Sun were looking around town to find members of Adam's White Fang but something strange is happening that feeling that Blake is be follow was being to feel like it was true and when Sun and Blake chase after one of the White Fang members when they to far headed Blake and Sun would find them beaten up and unconscious. However Blake ran into an old friend well enemy now ilia turns out was the one that has been watching Blake and after Blake and Sun chase her the saw smoke and Sun was told to rush over while Blake had to deal with ilia and Sun left Blake and ilia went at it then she ran over Blake house but Blake was being stopped by White fang members and was pinned down "were sending to straight to Adam" one of the White Fang members said then a stranger appeared with a coat around him to make sure no could see who he was in front of Blake causing the White fang members to back away "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" They shouted and the all of them when then unconscious and looked like they been beaten up 20 times in a row, Blake got up and saw the stranger was looking at her while his face was covered in darkness "you might want to check on your parents Blake because you friend Sun is in trouble" the stranger said then he disappeared Blake was shock but before the stranger disappeared she saw something gold "it can't be...." Blake said then she went over to help Sun and her parents make sure they were safe.

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