13: Explanation

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'The aphrodisiac will be activated in just half hour. I need to go to my room and dress appropriately for the occasion. Soon Nanda will also have the food and his desires will awaken. After that it's just a matter of few days before I become the Queen of Nala Kingdom.', Rajni thought viciously. She hurried to her room to get beautify herself and wear seductive clothes. She quickly took a bath and perfumed her body. Taking extra precautions she dabbed the aphrodisiac lightly on her pulse points.

Meanwhile in the dining room, King Nanda was again served the food prepared by Rajni. He looked at his daughter and her aunt, they were eating the food prepared by the regular chef and they seemed to be enjoying it as well. His heart ached at the disrespect shown to his daughter.

"Stop. Take this food away and serve me the food cooked by regular chef." Nanda ordered the staff member serving him.

"Your Majesty, my daughter prepared..." Rajni's father tried to interject. However Nanda countered him, "How can I eat special food when my daughter is eating regular food? You are a father who dotes on his daughter. Surely you can understand my feelings."

The trade minister couldn't think of anything that would change King Nanda's mind. He silently ate the food placed in front of him.


About an hour had passed before Rajni decided to move towards Nanda's sleeping chambers. She was a bit delirious due to the effect of the aphrodisiac. She had bored the agony bought by the drug for half hour as she had wanted to ensure that King Nanda would be whipped into a frenzy himself.

Her body temperature was rising and she wanted to tear at her clothes. Still she made her way down the passages to King's chambers. She presses her thighs together to alleviate the burning sensation a little but a moan escapes her mouth. Still forcing herself bit by bit she inched towards the door of the chambers.

Unbeknownst to Rajni, a shadow was following her. She raised the hand to knock the door of the chamber. At the opportune moment when Rajini's hand was going to fall on the door, she felt someone hugging her from behind. The arms hugging her were strong but gentle.

Due to her drug induced state, she could barely comprehend anything. The combined facts that she could see the door of King Nanda's sleeping chambers and that she was being hugged by a man led her to believe that King Nanda was the one who held her so boldly.

Sighing softly, she turned to face him but the man's face was in shadows. She felt herself being picked up, so she held on to the man's neck. Emboldened by drugs and passion, she kissed the man. Soon she felt herself being lowered on the bed. The aphrodisiac took over her senses and the sound of clothes being torn filled the room. The whole night passed with ambiguous sounds coming from the room. The air was tainted with smell of copulation.

As the sun rose over horizon, Rajni woke up. She could barely move her body as she still felt the effect of last night's activities. 'The aphrodisiac drug sure made King Nanda go crazy. He pretends to be a gentle and kind person but in the bed he was no less than a wild animal. He was so wild and demanding last night that my body is still aching badly. I might even get pregnant because of him. But if I did then it would only serve to hasten our marriage. Just a few more days between me and the crown. I was born to rule. I will show all of the people who were disdainful of me, especially that Princess Gayatri. Hmph.' Rajni thought smiling giddily. She could already imagine the wedding ceremony rites being read by priests. Dreams of her coronation drifting in her imagination.

She then turned to see the man next to her lying on his stomach facing away from her. Smirking, she reached to lightly caress the hair of the man besides her, but she stopped just an inch away from him.

'No, it wouldn't do if he wakes before the people gather. I must make sure to gather as many people as I can. That way he would be forced to give an explanation to my father and marry me. I also cannot look happy. I must look sad.' Rajni decided and started looking around the room. She saw her clothes on the floor torn, she picked them up and used them to unsuccessfully drape her body.

With her hair was askew and her clothes torn, she looked the perfect picture of a raped, pitiful woman. Rajni pinched her arm hard enough that tears came to her eyes. She let a couple of tears fall down her cheeks before she ran towards the door.

Opening the door, she started howling loudly. The soldiers pacing the passageways and a few maid servants going about their tasks were shocked to see Rajni running out of the room crying. Soon not less than a dozen people gathered at the door. A servant ran to get Princess Gayatri and Rajini's father.

Soon enough few figures were seen running in the Palace. When Gayatri came near, the servants quickly parted to let her get near. Gayatri was shocked to see Rajni in tattered clothes and disheveled hair sitting outside the door wailing loudly. Gayatri quickly grabbed a blanket that one of the maids had thought of bringing and draped it over Rajni. Rajni's father came and was equally shocked to see her. His head had started pounding and he felt a bit dazed.

"Father....." Rajni yelled loudly on seeing him and tried to throw herself in his embrace. However, he was really in shock and was feeling numb. Thus he stepped back as if to avoid her. As if sensing his withdrawal made real tears flow down Rajini's face, she suddenly started sobbing more.

"Who did this to you?" he asked Rajni as his focus returned. The numb feeling was being replaced by anger and embarrassment.

"Father... His Majesty... King Nanda... he.. he.. I tried to.. I refused but he didn't.. Father he... He..." Rajni said very unclear and broken in her speech.

"What did I do, Miss Rajni?" a strong and firm voice sounded from behind the crowd. The crowd parted revealing King Nanda standing with Princess Devika. Gayatri immediately moved to stand next to Devika and closed her eyes with her palm. She threw an angry gaze at the maids following Devika. Immediately the gazes of those maids fell to the ground.

"You.. you.. how can you be outside? Who is inside then?" Rajni screamed. Her mind stopped working and she blankly stared at King Nanda.

"Hmm? Miss Rajni I was outside in the temple with my daughter. When the maid came to get Princess Gayatri, we also decided to come and see what went wrong. Why are you in this state Miss Rajni?" King Nanda asked.

"Your Majesty... I demand justice for my daughter. Please Your Majesty, she has lost everything. Punish the wrong doer, I beg you." Rajni's father cried. Rajni was staring wide eyed at King Nanda, as if her ability to comprehend the situation was compromised.

"Yes, I will definitely give an explanation to Miss Rajni." Nanda replied. The words Rajni was waiting for were finally said by Nanda but their context had completely changed.

Steps sounded from within the room. Everyone turned to see who was the culprit who raped Rajni. A man in soldier uniform stepped out. When the man saw King Nanda present, he immediately saluted him and bowed respectfully.

"Who are you?" Rajni yelled at the man. Everyone was looking at the man with wide eyes, except for Devika whose eyes were covered by Gayatri.

"You... How dare you rape my daughter?" Rajni's father yelled loudly.

"Rape?" The soldier squeaked frightened, "Your Majesty, last night this woman was lurking about in the passage outside your room. When I questioned her presence, she threw herself in my arms and said that she saw me following Your Majesty and fell in love with me. This woman seduced me, Your Majesty and now she is screaming rape. Please give me justice, my liege." the soldier explained the last nights situation.

Questioning eyes turned towards Rajni. Rajni saw her future and her dreams drowning in the contemptuous gaze of people.

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