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Chapter 4

*A Few Days Later*

"...I remember us laying down and just speaking to one another. Just about life. We would hold hands, cuddle, sometimes we wouldn't even speak. We didn't need words. The comfortable silence was enough." Harry said, reading off his paper to the class.

"He would always tell me how much he wanted us to live in the forest but I told him no because I didn't want a...bear to bite my nuts off." He said, causing the class to laugh.

After the laughter died down, he continued.

"...All of that didn't matter anymore. His parents took him from me. All those wonderful years flushed down the drain. He was my best friend, my lover, my other half." He paused. "But I have faith...faith we will be restored and flourish again." He finished.

I wiped my eyes and clapped along with the class. His story was filled with pain, loss, humor, and sorrow. What made it sadder to me was I know what, more like who he was writing about.

He was writing about losing his ex-boyfriend.

"I would let him fuck me in the ass." I turned to the girl next to me and glared at her. Feeling my eyes on her, she looked at me. "What? I would. A softy and sexy? He needs to fill these guts up."

"Well, he's gay so good luck with that." I said, frowning at her.

I wonder if Harry has people like her throwing themselves at him? I mean of course he does. She wasn't lying when she said he's sexy.

My eyes widen. Woah.

I just agreed with her opinion about Harry being sexy.

Okay, so what if I think he's sexy? Everyone thinks Chris Hemsworth is sexy, even straight guys.

She flipped her hair. "I really don't care. I can turn him straight. Watch."

Something tells me this is going to go bad.

Well, I was at least hoping for it to go bad. Watching Harry flirt with some random chick in class is not on my agenda today.

Harry made his way to me and smiled softly at me. "Did you like my story?" He asked as soon as he sat down.

I nodded. "You're really brave to talk about your ex. I know it was painf-"

"Anyway, hi Harry. I'm Polly." The girl next to me said, interrupting me.

Harry glared at her. "Don't remember asking...you just rudely cut my friend off and I don't appreciate it. Learn how to treat people with kindness."

She rolled her eyes. "Do you want to hit this WAP or not?"

"No, I don't. I don't even like women. And if I did, you would be the last one I would hit."

She gasped. "Fuck you then fagots."

"Hey, I'm not even gay." I mumbled.

Harry turned to me and gave me a look. "What?"

"Nothing, this shit is just frustrating." He mumbled.

"I don't get it."

"Yeah, that's the frustrating part, Zayn."

I frowned. "Um, okay?"

The minute English was over Harry walked out, leaving me behind with not even a goodbye.

What's his problem?

I made my way to the cafe and bit my lip when Harry was at the table. "Sorry." I told him, sitting next to him.

He nodded. "It's okay. I just have to learn to adjust."

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