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Warning small little tiny bit of smut

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Warning small little tiny bit of smut

Chapter 18

Part 2

"This is so huge." I said, scanning the building we were inside of.

Harry chuckled beside me as he led us to a table near the dance floor. "So am-"

I put hand up. "Stop it. We are having fun tonight no naughty stuff." I scolded, knowing in the back of my mind that would be impossible. I wanted Harry and I wanted him badly.

Harry licked his lips. "That's fine. Do you want to dance first or eat first?" He asked, finally letting go of my hand.

I hummed, taking in the beauty scenery in front of me. There were large disco balls hanging on the cell in the middle of the room. Couples and friends were dancing along to a familiar beat with wide grins on their faces.

I scanned the place again and eyes widened when I spotted Justin's figure at the bar speaking to a group of women.

Hopefully he doesn't come here.
"Zayn?" Harry asked snapping me out of my gaze.

I linked rapidly. "Yeah?"

"Food or floor? Pick one..." He trailed off with a grin.

Although I didn't want to eat before dancing, I also didn't want Harry to see Justin. I have no idea how he'll react and judging by watching Justin for a few seconds it was obvious he was a flirt. If he has a thing for me like people say, this date is going to go left quickly, and we can't have that.

"Lets eat. I'm hungry." I replied.

Harry raised a brow. "Seriously? You want to dance with a full stomach?"

I nodded. "Yup, I don't want to dance with an empty stomach. I'll feel dizzy."

"That's why water is invited love. Come on, let's go dance."

"Love?" I questioned, feeling my cheeks redeem.

"You can't call me that. I just called you that. Call me something else." Harry joked.

I smiled. "I really like love. It sounds...cute."

He wiggled his brows. "I'll keep calling you that then. Your reaction is adorable."

I smiled and looked down at the table. "Okay." I bit my lip. "What did you use to call me?"

"Love, Zaynie, baby. Sometimes I'll call you potty because you were obsessed with Harry Potter. I guess you have a thing for guys named Harry huh?" He winked.

I laughed. "You know, I still like that. It's nice to see I haven't done outlandish crap after my crash."

Harry hummd. "Well, drama was a bit outlandish. You suck at lying so you being into it all the sudden was really weird when I got here."

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