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Chapter 17

Part 1


"Hello, Zayn. How'd you sleep?" Mr. Downey asked as I entered the kitchen.

I smiled shyly at him. "Well. Thanks for asking."

He nodded and handed me two bananas. "Harry might hate me since he's obsessedj with these but here, have them. I know you still don't feel comfortable eating here but a banana isn't going to kill you." Mr. Downey said.

I was one of those type of people who were too scared to ask for anything and shyly declined food being offered to me. The only time I would eat is when Harry would come in my room and force me to. Like literally force me. He put my arms behind my back and shoved pizza in my mouth. It was funny now that I think back on that.

"Thank you." I mumbled, feeling awkward. I haven't been staying here for long, only a couple of days so it would make sense why I felt so nervous and awkward around everyone.

"Hi honey." Harry's mom, Anne said, now greeting Mr. Downey with a cheek peck.

He turned to her and placed his hands on her waist. "Don't you look beautiful today." He smirked.

She giggled. "Oh, stop it. You're looking quite handsome yourself." She said, leaning in about to go for a kiss but a voice stopped them.

"Eww, can you guys not do that in front of my guest." Harry said, coming in the kitchen with no shirt on.

I bit my lip and took this opportunity to check him out while he stood by the stove.

Anne pecked Mr. Downey's lips and shook her head, looking at Harry. "If you really cared about respecting your guest, you would put a shirt on. I don't want to see those tattoos." She said, crossing her arms.

Harry grabbed toast off the plate on the stove and turned, giving us a full view of his toned chest.

I rested my head on my hand and pictured myself running my hands all over him.

He just looks so good right now. His hair was messy but in a very sexy way. His voice was very deep from just waking up. "I am not even showing anything. Zayn, is fine with what I'm wearing."

Got that right, sexy. I thought to myself as I licked my lips.

I fantasized about running my hands through his hair and tugging on it. I wonder how Harry sounds like when he's moaning. Hopefully, it's as deep and hot just like his speaking voice.

I pressed my lips together not in the mood to fight these thoughts I had about Harry. It is what it is at this point.

The only issue I have with all of these thoughts is my self control. Harry and I haven't kissed in a couple of days now and it was taking a toll on me.

When he talked to me most if not all my attention was focused on his lips. I wanted them on mine, on my body...

"Zayn!" Harry said, snapping his fingers in my face.

I cleared my throat and blushed deeply when all three of them stared at me. "Uh-Umm yeah?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable with Harry dressed like that? I can make him put a shirt on?" Mr. Downey asked.

Anne scoffed. "No. This boy is gay, Robert. He's the one Harry was mopping around about."

Harry glared at his mom. "Mom!"

She shrugged. "What? I'm not going to lie to my husband."

Harry cheeks warmed up and he looked at me. "Let's go."

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