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Me trying to seduce Trump so he doesn't deport me:

Me trying to seduce Trump so he doesn't deport me:

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Chapter 15

Part 1


"You are going to get us killed if you keep this up." I said, moving away from Harry.

He puckered his lips. "At least I'll die a happy man."

I rolled my eyes. "Kissing is not the best right now. We need to be calm and collected when we go to my house." I said, giving in and pecking his lips again.

Luckily, the light was red when Harry decided to hold me and deepen the kiss.

I swear it's like he wants us to do it in here. The more he kisses me the more I feel like parking his car somewhere and getting him to have me in the backseat. I pushed him back to catch my breath.

"You need to stop. Kissing is not going to be an every day, anytime thing unless we are official." I said, fixing myself up.

Harry smirked at me. "You sure about that? I'm not the only one here that can feel the tension. I know you want to stop this car and make out with me. I'm up for it." He said, tracing his hand up my thigh.

I slapped his hand away. "Shush. I need to focus. In a few minutes, I'll be standing in front of my parents and telling them everything. You kissing me-"

"Correction, us kissing. You are a willing participant." He said, leaning in to peck my lips again.

I gasped and backed more away from him. "Stop it." I said, trying to sound serious but failed miserably due to how red my cheeks were.

"I don't want to. I've been wanting to kiss you for so long. I just want to drive to my house and have my way with you." He said, looking at me passionately.

I felt myself twitch. I groaned. "Please, Harry. I don't want to get all worked up before we go."

"We should just say fuck it to all of this and just park this car so I can taste-" I covered his mouth.

"You need to calm down. Are you ready to?" I asked.

He nodded. I smiled at him and pointed at the road because the light turned green.

"This is so hard. You shouldn't have let me kiss you." Harry mumbled, as he started driving again.

Who is he telling? I was just as horny as him if not worse. The only difference between us was control. Harry had none or maybe he didn't care to have any right now.

The way he was touching me and kissing me was making this hard. This is why this whole winter break I had to not let us kiss too much.

I get so lost in it and I don't want to find myself bent over somewhere with him drilling in me. I bit my lip...no, I'm not ready for sex.

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