6| Master Plan

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"Having a good heart doesn't guarantee alot of love, in fact, don't aim to be loved, aim to be respected because respect lasts longer than love"



When I got back to the main mansion I was in an excellent mood. I sent for our clothing attendants and instructed them to take Voshéllisa to the regular clothes store to get her some decent clothes to wear and uniforms.

It was about time she got a role to play in the family. I also instructed our trainers to give her detailed sessions on how she is suppose to be an attendant/server.

Might as well right?

She is of no use to me sexually because she doesn't give me the vibe to be in that position considering her intensions.

I have been very careful with my moves since she was brought to my mansion so as to not play in her hand.

I am actually extremely excited about my new plans......

This is the most ingenius thing I have ever done.





It has been a few months since I have been in training to be a home attendant for the mansion.

I was learnt in karate and other martial arts that I cannot even pronounce. It has taught me alot of self defense, (Not that I wanted to defend myself from any potential harm that may possibly end my life), and self disciple which was well needed.

The patience that I developed assisted me in a great way as it allowed me to be more subtle in my pursue for eternal freedom.

I also became alot more grateful, not that I wasn't grateful to begin with.

I got new clothes too. ALOOOT.

I even got a cell phone. Even though it was encrypted to only communicate with 'his royal highness' Lorenzio and the members of la famigla.

"Teo I am totally ready for graduation now, like you can literally send me on the battle field right now with all this extensive training" I complained to my trainer.

"You are a born star, I must agree but orders are orders" He replied with a shrug.

Teo was a great guy and being around him so often made me began to be fond of the guy. I rarely saw Lorenzio and it was amazing.

Lorenzio only communicated twice a week to find out how the training was progressing.

This arrangement suites me so much better than the life I thought I was going to live when I just got here.

"Yes your Grace, training is actually completed, not according to Teo, but in my eyes, I am at mastery level at just about everything. Poise, grace, elegance, humility, precision, accuracy and a tainted mind is just what the doctor ordered and patient acquired" I said brimming with confidence and pride.

"Will you ever stop referring to me with those sarcastic titles??" Lorenzio replied to me.

So out of everything I just relayed to him, all he heard was fact that I called him 'your Grace'??

Now I was just furious.

"Was that all you heard sir boss?? Because I know I said much more than that" I spat.

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