10| Enemy Threats

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"An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind" -Mahatma Ghandi



It has been almost three weeks now since I got a call from Voshé. I have been super worried because I wanted to tell her how much I cared for her. I wanted to explain to her that if we were to be an item it had to be complete secrecy because of the family rules. Plus I am not sure of the purpose in which the boss may have for her.

I wanted to tell her that I wanted her just as much as she wants me but I wanted her to be cautious too.

However, these days have been stressful because the main estate have been under tight security and ninety-five percent shut down. There was a breach last week when we found a young member named Tomasqé beaten to a bloodly pulp on the outskirts of our territory boarders.

He was a member of the scout unit and went missing three hours before he was found. Ever since that incident the family had been on high alert and paranoia. The boss have disguised himself as a underling and positioned himself at the front lines just incase there is war. He had always been a war freak, always loved the thrill of death in an almost very sick way.



*Eight hours later*

Almost as if on cue, there were violent attacks launched on two of the western safe houses. I was beginning to get nervous because Voshé was at a safe house and I wasn't sure what was the enemy's target. I know that I trained her well and she could more than handle herself but I couldn't shake the feeling that she might be in danger.

"The northern safe house was breached!! What do we do??" Ashto, one of the underling asked.

"Keep holding the forte for the main mansion. This is the most important place, safe houses can be restored, it's a strategy to break our formation. DO NOT BE TEMPTED!!!" I shouted back to inform my squad of their position.

"But sir, the Senior papa is in that safe house"

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.


Questa cosa è così spaventosamente stressante.
[This thing is so frighteningly stressful.]*

I was now bat shit nervous for Voshé but I could not play favorite at this point in time, she was a capable member of la famiglia.
[The family]*

"Remember that the most elite female assasin in la famiglia is assigned to that location, do you doubt your comrades." That was one of the toughest thing I had to do. Pretending not to care when worry was eating me alive, but I couldn't be a hypocriate. I told my men to have faith and it was my turn to do that too.

"Copy Sir!!"




I was about to have my evening snack when I heard one of the house staff cry out and I automatically went into stealth mode. I found my way to Lorenzio senior's room and carefully hid behind unorganised boxes in the room.

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