14| Panic

18 2 0

"Sometimes it's wiser to pretend to be stupid in order to find out who thinks you are stupid and wish to take advantage of you."



It has been three months now since I have seen locked up with Voshéllisa and my dad in the northern safe house. True to her word, Voshé had kept me hidden as well as herself out of suspician for all this time.

Last month Antonio came with a team unexpectedly to search the premises. He explained carefully to Voshéllisa that it was not that he did not trust her words but it was just a matter of protocols that he had to search everywhere for me being that I was pulled up as missing.

I can't imagine how I was going to explain all this drama to Antonio when it was all over. He will understand though. He always does.

For now though, I gave Voshéllisa my word so I must trust her that this is the right decision.

For the pass ninety-two days Voshéllisa have been handling herself as not only a caretaker but as a house wife as well as a protector and a body guard. I have come to realise that she is a fast learner who is also very skilled in the kitchen department. Her promise of my nightly pleasures were extended into day times and honestly, for the time period I have been here I am able to let loose and be free.

I could unwind and act like the teenage boy I never had the chance to. I get to make messes intensionally knowing that she will clean up after me. At times I could swear she would get irritated and throw me out but she never cracked.



To be honest, it was funny to watch how the whole empire was fazzled about my disappearance while I watched and had all the latest updates under the comfort of Voshéllisa's spoilings and protection. This experience was grande and maybe that's one of the messed up reasons why I have continued to carry on this facade for so long.

Antonio is going to kill me and the thrill of knowing that made it even more fun and adventurous.

I was dying to see what each day entailed for Voshé vs the imposter.

Some days it feels as though she is about to give up and that whoever it is, is only just 10 steps ahead of her. But then she always comes up with a crazy idea that shocks me and by reason I would say, shocks anyone. It's like watching a game of chess. Only problem is that this game of chess is a competition for the life of my father and myself.

It is a competition to see who will prevail....

The traitor or the loyal.

For now I will just lay back and watch everything unfold.




It has been so freaking long that I haven't seen my brother. It's so unlike him to disappear and not even leave a clue for me to follow. I mean we are so close.

There is nothing that I haven't told him and nothing he haven't told me. We have always been the inseperable powerhouse. So why amidst all the crisis he decided to take a leave of absence?

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