16| Losing Control

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"Some times, some situations are best handled by not handling them at all. Just allow the course of destiny to run it's term!"



After Teo had left, I felt a surge of different emotions dawning onto me. I was angry, confused, torn, heated and most of all very bothered. He came and as usual swept me off my feet that I had just about almost forgotten that I didn't trust him or anyone else for that matter.

To say I was disappointed with myself was the least, but as far as innocence goes, I was sure that he didn't suspect me knowing anything at all.

It was also very suspicious that he was not in the least curious about my calmness to the entire situation. He, himself was also quite on the relaxed side when it came on to a missing Mafia Boss.

I suppose our hot make out session was to blame in the department of his temporary loss of memory but how could one so casually throw caution to the wind in a crisis unless, they thought they had every thing under control?

And I didn't trust his quick offer to investigate the situation with me when his duties requires him to be at the main estate holding down the forte with Antonio. That statement was chaotic and suspicious at this point in time. Unless it was a ploy to stay close to me and watch my movements.

In fact it made alot of sense if I was in his shoes. I was the newest member of the famiglia and at the beginning I wasn't much inclined to be apart of this power hungry system that took my family from me. The same organization who wanted to turn me into a sex toy for Lorenzio and who ever else needed a bed warmer.

It made sense to think that I would easily be a traitor. That and the fact that I was the last known person to have spoken to Lorenzio before his supposed disappearance. So I might be unreasonable when it came to Teo. I mean if he was so unbothered about the situation he wouldn't have atleast tried to fish around for information unless he was becoming nervous about what I could have known about the attacks.

This whole situation can be one of many things but I guess we will never know til the very end because everyone is cautious of the next person and that could prove to be quite troublesome for me.

After much contemplation, I went to the hallow walls where Zio hid so that I could tell him that Teo was gone.


I stepped into the hallway to where the hallow walls were and before I realised what had happened, I was pinned to the wall.

His anger was surging through me.

But anger for what exactly??

I was quickly dragged back to reality with a slap across my face. With excellent reflexes, I was able to block the second and third that was seeking to connect too.

"What the bloody hell!!" I shouted in my best version of british accent.

"Sono disgustato da te" he spat at me.
*[I am disgusted with you]

"cosa ho fatto?"
*[What have I done?]

"What was that happening with you and Teo right outside the wall where I was. Where is your respect??!!!"

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