8| Disappointment

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"The best way to not be disappointed is to not expect anything at all; just go with the flow"



I stared at Lorenzio in complete disbelief.

All those months of brutal training and talking all that crap about valuable asset and what not just so I can babysit his half dead father??


No no no no. Nooooooooooo.

This is unacceptable!!!!!

I thought I was respected and valued, I guess not.
I cannot believe that instead of some badass elite job I am stuck with babysitting Lorenzio's old man, Lorenzio Senior.

I mean, how boring could it get?

I seriously doubt the man has anything interesting about him and in addition to that, I HAAAATTTEEEE him.

I truly do.

He was the one who ordered the assasination of my entire family. He was the one who had me brought up in a damn god forsaken training home. He was the one that made my perspective of life become so dark and tainted and now I was expected to treat him like a damn princess??

Spend time with him and care for him and risk my life for him??

No way!

I just cannot look into the face of this monster and bring myself to have any form of pity or remorse for him.

I cannot look at him knowing what he did and still care for him.

I cannot.........


The voice in my head certainly hadn't left me enough time to even sulk in peace.

'Lorenzio is the same monster and continues to do monsterous things yet you have developed feelings for him, so why can't you take care of a retired monster?'

Damn it.

Damn it all.

The voice was right. I was right.

I was being completely over-dramatic. I had a feeling of care for Zio and yet I knew exactly what he is, what he has done and what he will continue to do and be.

I was being a very judgemental and hypocritical bitch but who cares????
Because at the end of the day.......

No matter how I hate him, it's still my job as a member of la famiglia Rossio and I have to carry out my task with extreme precision so as to ensure my developing respect stays intact.

After an hour or so of disappointment and anger, I went and got all my necessary belongings and loaded them into my ride.

On the whole journey, all I could do was look at the passing trees and wonder how differently my life could have been.

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