15| Irritation

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"At some points in life, you may need to take a step backwards in order to move forward with full force."



I was awakened by Voshéllisa in a rush this morning because apparently she got word from one of her men who was at the food markets and saw movements towards the location of the safe house.

She hurriedly pushed me towards the hallow walls and sealed it shut to hide me until the unexpected visitor had left.

The hallow walls only hid my presence and any sounds I made but did nothing else as it didn't block me from hearing everything that went on, on the other side of the wall.

"Teo!! che piacevole sorpresa!!" I heard Voshéllisa said. She sounded genuinely happy to see him and it seemed that she somehow forgot that I was there because it didn't take long for everything to escalate.
[What a pleasant surprise!!]*

"Merda Voshé, I missed you so much. It seems like forever since I last held you like this" Wow.

He was brazen.

Way out of freaking line!!

"I thought you didn't like me Teo, I thought I was too forward in my confession" wooooaaahhh hold your horses now.



What the holy fuck was going in here?! I had the good mind to just bust out and grab them both, ruining the entire plan.

Their encounter sounded straight out irritable and vexing.

How dare Teo go behind my back and play around with my property without my knowledge.

He knew the rules!! He knew them. I mean Voshéllisa was new so I could understand if she said she was clueless to our standards because honestly, I never thought I needed to explain that aspect to her. I never saw her as the type to want or need a man.



"That's a very stupid thing to think Voshé, I had always cared about you. I just wanted to tell you to be careful you know. Our situation is fragile." Oh I see now.

So there is a whole 'situation' now??

'OUR' situation huh?

I was getting more and more annoyed as the time flew by, listening to them go on and on about their feelings for each other. I was one second short of bursting out and grabbing Teo and slapping Voshé for her disrespect.

She knew I was right there and that I could hear everything. It was almost as if I was placed in a mental or emotional torture session with my hands tied behind my back.

But I couldn't be irrational and jeopardize the entire scheme on the mere grounds of 'feelings'. Because at the end of the day, what ever reason I may decide to give for my actions, it would still be flatly be seen as 'feelings'.

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