18| Punishment Contd.

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"When you have done all that you can to guide someone within the line of discipline and they choose to rebel, then you must administer punishment."




"I want you Voshéllisa. I want you so badly." I whispered in her ear.

She moaned and stretched in my grasp with her eyes begging me to continue and bring her into pure pleasure.

"-but I am not going to make you cum, not unless you beg me" I told her while I was still hard against my jeans.

"Do you want me inside you Voshéllisa?" My taunting was now beginning to affect me as my throat contricted, making my voice harsh and raw.

I watched her every action as I waited for the perfect opportunity to break her. I wanted her to apologise to me and acknowledge that I deserve respect.

I pushed her unto a chair in the room and tightly tied her hands behind her and then proceed to spread her legs apart and tie her feet to each chair foot.

Instead of breaking, she began to laugh. I was somewhat confused at first but then she opened her mouth to talk.

"I promised my body to someone else" she said slowly as if talking to a toddler.

My hand flew to her face and I began to squeese it to form a poker face.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I released the force I had on her cheeks so that she was able to respond to my question.

"It means that I promised my body to another person so I can't fuck you." She said with enough pride to make me puke.

"And who is that person??"

"It's Teo okay! I really like him" she bit out and for the first time I saw her show a bit of humanity and it caused a deep pain in my chest that it was directed at someone else.

She hung her head after her sincere revelation. I got up and started to laugh. This was about to get so fucking interesting.



I sat on the chair in Lorenzio's room, spread out and exposed. At first I felt disgusted that my body reacted to his touches but then I consoled myself with the thought that it was normal.

He was an experienced lover, he knew exactly where to touch and how to touch it and the skill of perfect timing, it was only natural that my inexperienced body would fold under that type of pressure.

I braced myself for another episode of teasing but it never came. Instead I watched him strip down himself and went into his bathroom.


About forty (40) minutes later, he came out from his bathroom with just his bath towel wrapped around his hips and his medium length blonde hair sticking to his forehead, neck and shoulders.

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