13| Story of the Bond of Brotherhood

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"They say blood is thicker than water because blood clots in order to save the body but water just keeps running"




It was just about eighteen years ago, when alot of mexicans where migrating to Italy to escape the gruesome tyranny of some money hungry thugs who rapidly grew in numbers.

At that point in time the Rossio famiglia was not so large or popular and it was operated by Larzian Rossio, the father of Lorenzio senior and the grandfather of Lorenzio jr.

Larzian was a good papa to the Rossio famiglia and everyone loved him but he was too soft and the family was not growing. So when war broke out between the mexican cartel and and italian mafia families, Larzian paid the ultimate price to protect his son, his son's wife and his beloved grand boy, Lorenzio jr as well as the entire Rossio famiglia.

Not long after that fierce battle did Lorenzio snr take over the family and because of his father's great sacrifice he vowed never to be soft as he was and because of that one that promise, many major changes began to happen for the Rossio famiglia.

Lorenzio snr had went out and began recruiting loyal members for the family. He sought out refugees and young men and women and even children who were in undesireable circumstances and he trained them, took care of them and even disciplined and punished them as a real family head would do. They all called him papa out of deep loyalty and respect and even love.

The family was growing largely and it's strength was in trust and loyalty. The family business was serious business so while Lorenzio snr was recruiting men, he was thinking about the future of the family when he too will get old and have to retire so he sought out for children, mostly boys who could grow to be right hand men for his own son. Everything he did, he did for Margarette and his boy.

His only boy.

His heir.



Then one day he found a little boy trembling in the alley way, as he went over towards him he threw something at him and yelled something along the lines 'get the hell away and leave me alone'. But Lorenzio snr didn't quite catch on because the boy spoke spanish.

Which only meant.........Mexican.

He immediately fancied the young fellow. He had a fight in him and he could see potential in him.

Lorenzio laughed and picked up the scrawny looking child in his arms. He couldn't have been no more than five at the time, around the same age as his own son. Lorenzio snr's heart softened and he took him in as his child and raised him well.

When he found him he was lonely, dying and abandoned. The only thing that he brought with him was a name, Tonéo. But Lorenzio didn't like the name because it was too spanish and they were italian, so he renamed him Antonio.

Little Antonio became the legal adopted son of Lorenzio Rossio snr and Margarette Rossio, so he and Lorenzio jr grew very closely. Stronger than friendship; a bond of brotherhood.

Bond of blood.

Antonio didn't know any other family growing up because at the age of five, you are still just a baby and it was at that age he was brought into a new life.

The only memory Antonio had of those time long ago was that he never had a father and his entire family save his elder sister Talia was dead.

But Talia abandoned him too.

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