17| Punishment

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"It is a minimum requirement that for every rule there is a fierce and gruesome punishment to allows the ruler control over the subjects bound to the rules."




I sat in my room for almost an hour waiting for Voshéllisa. I had specifically instructed her to meet me here in ten (10) minutes and yet a whole fifty (50) minutes over the time and there was no sign of her.

"Mitchel!! Come to me now," I yelled at one of the staff who was assigned to the house.

Unlike Voshéllisa, he came running as soon as I had called.

"Yes sir, I am here sir," he said in a rushed panicked tone.

"Pace your words, I can barely understand you when you rush that way. I won't bite. Well not now and not you. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir, I completely understand" he seemed more relax and I wasn't entirely sure if it was due to fear or due to my reassurance.

I doubt it was the latter.

"Fetch me Voshéllisa. She is to report to me this very moment!!" I said with my anger rising.

I must've shouted a bit because I realized that Mitchel flinched and then scurried out on my instructions.


Approximately three (3) hours and forty five (45) minutes later, I heard Voshéllisa open my room door and walk in.

I had dosed off while waiting for her to come to me so I was not fully poised when she entered the room.

"You called for me?" She asked with practically no enthusiasm.

"Only about four (4) hours ago" I said trying to contain my anger.

"A che cazzo stai pensando Voshéllisa??" I said so calmly that I almost frightened myself.
[What the fuck are you thinking Voshéllisa?]*

"e di cosa stai parlando esattamente maestro meraviglioso?" She met my tone with equal calmness.
[And what exactly are you talking about wonderful master?]*

I was riled up to say the least. She was playing with me because she knows that I was not going to inflict any harm to her much less to kill her.

Through my frustration, I grabbed her by the neck and pull her close to me so my breath fanned her face.

"You belong to me Voshéllisa. I OWN YOU!! And don't you forget that" I hissed.

Before she could respond, my lips were on hers, capturing her, feeling her, kissing her with passion? It was a punishment that didn't feel harsh at all.

I nibbled on her bottom lip and deepened the kiss almost as if I  was about to profess my undying love to her.

When I finally broke away, I saw the thick lust and weakness in her eyes. The crimson red color on her cheeks made the effect I have on her very evident. I kissed her again before she could recover.

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