12| No Trust

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"Systems fall apart when there is no trust and organisations become unorganised"




hen I had woken up hours after, I was still in restraints as it seems Voshéllisa did not trust my reaction enough to let me go.

But after hearing what she had to tell me, the proof and reasoning that was presented to me, I was no longer interested in struggling against the restraints that Voshéllisa had put on me.

I was just somewhat shocked at this terrible revelation.

How did this imposter work their way around the crest that every member had??

How could they have ill will and not be affected??

Something was definately not right.

"Why did you tie me down though?" I said without looking up at her. I didn't need to because she already knew I was talking to her.

"I know the type of stubborn you are and I wasn't going to take any chances in case you thought you were going to go against my plan"

"And pray tell what exactly is this plan?"

"I want everyone to think that you have been kidnapped so that I can carefully draw out the traitor. É come usare il formaggio per attirare l'attenzione dei topi."
[It's like using cheese to draw the attention of rats]*

"That won't work Voshéllisa. My men won't buy it for a second!!"

"It's not necessary for them to buy it right now!!! In fact I will carry on as though nothing happened and wait for them to miss you. Eventually they will call or visit here to find out if you are here or if I know of your whereabouts. At that point, I will plant the idea in their minds that you might have been kidnapped, which won't be a lie because you have been kidnapped by me, and set off an alarm in the whole family." There she was being detailed again.

I must commend that she is an excellent tactician but there were a few loopholes in her plan which I was about to take pleasure in pointing you.

"I think you have miscalculated a few things-" I said with a smirk.

"Oh I doubt it but let's hear it" she said cockily.

"First thing first, how are you so sure that I didn't inform Antonio of my whereabouts?
Also how will you explain to your staff members that you are keeping the current 'Papa' as hostage here?
And how will you hide me in case they come to search the premises under suspician?
Lastly, how will you manage to care for both me and my father equally while I am here?"

I did a slight chuckle although it was barely audible, she must now feel cornered that her plan may very well fall apart.



What I saw next was somehow very amusing because instead of a look of panic, Voshéllisa wore one of complete composure and confidence.

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